Season 2/Chapter 46: We'll Meet Again

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3rd Pov. 

With the night running on and the moon high in the sky, most of the group is asleep or just resting. However, Y/n is sitting at the edge of the deck where it had broken off and he's not speaking whatsoever. Just looking at the part of the deck where Sarah is buried under. He's beside his guitar that's laid to his right. 

Y/n: (Mind) I'm sorry, Sarah. I hope you're with Carlos, Nick, and Pete. God knows you deserve rest. 

As he sits there, just looking out at the field in front of him. He looks over at his guitar and picks it up, laying it on his lap as the breeze of the coming winter goes through his hair. Y/n takes off his hat and places it to his left while untold to him, Molly is watching him while laying her back against the wall. Clem, who had been asleep, also began to wake as Y/n begins to strum his old guitar.  

Y/n: ♪We'll meet again♪ Don't know where, don't know when ♪But I know ♪We'll meet again ♪Some sunny day♪

The music is soft and almost like a lullaby for the newborn baby boy who had been fussing a little unknown to Y/n. As soon as the newborn heard it, the baby slowly started to calm down causing Rebecca to smile. She turns her head to face Y/n's direction and of course, he continues to play.

Y/n: ♪Keep smilin' through♪ Just like you always do♪ 'Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away♪ 

Clementine raises her head up and hears Y/n playing. With a yawn, she stands up and walks past Kenny and Carley who are also listening. They couldn't sleep anyway. Clem walks up to Y/n and takes a seat beside him, on his right, laying her head on his shoulder but not speaking to him as he keeps singing. 

Y/n: ♪And will you please say hello to the folks that I know? Tell 'em that I won't be long♪ And they'll be happy to know that as you saw me go I was singing this song♪ We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, But I know we'll meet again some sunny day♪

Y/n lays his head on Clem's and continues to play his guitar, letting the strumming go for a minute. Playing his guitar has always helped him get his head on straight after tragic stuff. 

Y/n: Yeah we'll meet again, I don't know where and I don't know when... But I do know that we'll meet again some sunny day. ♪So Honey keep on smilin' through, just like you always do♪ 'Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away♪

So many people are dead within the last two days... Y/n is unsure about how things will turn out in the coming days, but even after suffering a loss like this, he's sure they'll be fine. So with more lyrics to sing, he finishes off the song. Singing the Johnny Cash version of We'll Meet Again, as he prefers it to the original. 

Y/n: ♪And would you please say hello to all the folks that I know and tell 'em I won't be long♪ They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go I was singing this song♪ We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when♪But I know we'll meet again some sunny day♪

He finishes singing his song and places his guitar down after picking up his hat. Clementine looks at her boyfriend and places her hand on top of his as Molly continues to watch them. Molly's happy to see them together, glad that they have each other to depend on if no one else. 

Clementine: You alright? 

Y/n: As "alright" as anyone can be these days, I guess. How about you? 

Clementine: I'm alright, too, I think. 

She moves her head from his shoulder and Y/n looks at her. Without much thought, Clem places her hand on his back & it makes him jolt a little as it lands on the part where he'd been branded. 

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