Season 2/Chapter 20: In Harm's Way

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3rd Pov. 

It's now daytime. The group had been moving on the road for quite some time until now in the early morning where everyone one was stopped so some could have a bathroom break. Among them is Sarah who's being accompanied by Clementine. While Sarah uses the restroom, Clem is staring at a butterfly that's on a tree. She reaches out to touch it, but it flies away and suddenly Troy calls out to them. 

Troy: You about done over there?

Sarah, who's behind a bush, calls back. 

Sarah: Yeah, one second! 

She finishes up her business and comes out of the bushes where she meets Clementine. Sarah gives her a small grin, thankful that Clem decided to along with her even though she probably wasn't happy about it. 

Sarah: Thanks for coming with me. It's scary out here. I know they made you... It's still nice that you came.

Clementine: (Nods) We're friends. Friends look out for one another.

Sarah: (Smiles) We are, aren't we? Well, if you need to pee, let me know. I'll keep lookout for you, too.

Clementine: Uh... okay.

They start walking back over to the truck, but Sarah notices Clem's has a look of sadness on hers. After last night, when Y/n was taken by Madison into her truck she hasn't seen or heard from him since. 

Sarah: Hey...I know you're worried about Y/n, but he'll be fine. I know it. He's tough. 

Clementine looks at Sarah, and nods. 

Clementine: Yeah, he is, isn't he? I just...miss him. That woman... she better not have touched him.

Clem grips her fist, angry about last night and the previous encounter they had at the cabin. Never before had she been so angry. It's a similar anger to what Y/n felt when he fought the stranger in Savannah, except this time there's nothing she can do. Sarah places her hand on Clem's shoulder for a brief moment. 

Sarah: Like I said, he'll be okay. I haven't known him long, but after everything I've seen I don't think there's anything that can stop him. 

Clementine: Yeah, most people think that, but he's still just as human as the rest of us. 

The two make it back over to the truck where Troy is standing and he looks at them. 

Troy: Everything come out alright, girls?

Clementine and Sarah both make disgusted looks on their faces while Carver walks up. He looks at Troy and tells him to get them both back in the truck. Meanwhile Bonnie is keeping guard with Madison by the treeline to keep walkers back if they ever come near. 

Carver: Troy. Get 'em tied up.

Troy: Will do. 

Carver: (Radio) Well, we're on our way, probably thirty minutes out. Make sure everyone's prepped. Emotions might be running high. Carver out.

Troy grabs Sarah's hands and starts to wrap them up while Clem stares at Carver. Carver then makes a threat to Troy.

Carver: If I find out you've been wasting fuel to keep that fuckin' heater going, I'll make you walk back.

Troy: Nope. Froze my ass off...just like you told me to. 

Carver notices Clem staring at him and walks over to her, looking down at her. 

Carver: It ain't polite to listen to other folks' conversations. Has anyone ever taught you that? Where's your manners?

Clementine, not wanting to make things any harder for the others, decides to apologize. 

Clementine: I'm sorry.

Carver: (Grins) It's okay, honey. We'll chalk it up as a lesson learned, alright? Get the girls in back with the rest of 'em. We got a bit of a drive ahead of us.

As Troy goes to tie up Clem's hands next, Madison walks by and Clem calls out to her to get her attention. 

Clementine: Wait, Madison!

Madison stops moving and turns around with a small smile on her face. One similar to one she had the night before, but this is less sinister. She walks over to Clem and makes Troy step back while she speaks to her. 

Madison: Yes? 

Clementine: Can I...

Madison: Can you what? 

Clementine: Can I please speak to-

Madison: Nope. Not right now. You're gonna have to wait a little longer before you see him again, but don't worry... you'll get him back sometime today. At least... so long as you're good. Alright? 

Clementine: ...Yes. 

Madison leans in closer to Clem as she gets almost in her face. 

Madison: "Yes," what? 


She practically digs her nails into the palms of her hands as she grips her fists. Madison stands up straight and finishes tying Clem's rope herself before leading her to the back of the truck. A simple nod and Troy closes the back. Sarah and Clem are in the truck with the rest of the group and Carlos' broken fingers have been put in a splint.

They're sitting inside the dark, dirty uhaul with a look of defeat plastered over their faces. Everyone is either depressed or scared; well, everyone except Kenny who's replaced that feeling...with anger. Sarita looks at the girls. 

Sarita: Are you guys okay?

Kenny: The hell did he do to you? Hey, did he hurt you? Hey. Hey!

Kenny tries to yell, but since the door is closed it's not like anyone is going to hear him. On the other side of the truck door, Madison chuckles and starts to walk away. However, before she's too far, she looks back at Troy. 

Madison: Don't mess with those girls. I need them. And by the way, if you do, I'll pull your teeth out with a pair of rust pliers. Cool? 

Troy: (Gulps) Uh...yeah, noted. 

Madison walks back to her truck and while most people would think she was doing this out of the kindness of her heart... It's far from that. As long as they're okay they're useful leverage. A tool she can use for own gain. 

Madison: (Mind) Those two will come in handy later... Oh, you better believe it. Nothing like holding something over someone's head to truly keep control. Thank you, Dad, for teaching something so useful to me. 

With nothing else to be done, Madison gets inside her truck and notices Y/n has his hat over his face. Madison sees this but knows that he's not asleep and reaches over, popping his hat up. He sighs and looks at her. 

Y/n: You knew I was awake. 

Madison: Yep. 

She starts the truck and starts to follow along with the other trucks ahead of her. As she does, she looks at Y/n and pats the seat next to her. He looks at her and of course she tells him to get closer. 

Madison: Scoot closer to me~ 

Y/n: Mm...

Madison: (Sighs) If you do...I promise I'll let you see your little girlfriend when we get back home. I may not be a good person, but I'm not a liar. I promise.

Reluctantly, Y/n moves over to her and she places her hand on his thigh. As much as it made him uncomfortable, he would be fine with it for now so that he can be with Clem later on. Luckily she was too tired to try anything last night but Y/n is hoping the place they're going isn't too far away now. 

Y/n: (Mind) Just keep calm and it'll all be worth it in the end. Just have to deal with now and I can see Clem later...

Madison moves her hand a little lower down his thigh and he lightly jolts, feeling a lot more uncomfortable now. She doesn't move anymore, but Y/n knows this is only going to get worse. There's nothing he can do now, but he'll figure something out. He always does. In the meantime, he'll just have to pray that he can think of something quick. 

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