Chapter 42: Restored Hope

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After getting back from the sewers, Lee, Y/n, and Vernon all enter the house. As they walk in, they quickly find that Molly is looking around the cabinets in the kitchen trying to find any items they may have missed. 

Y/n: Molly? 

Molly hears Y/n and turns around, finding the trio behind her. 

Molly: Hey, kid. Nice to see you. I see you guys made it back in one piece. 

Vernon looks at her and asks who she is. 

Vernon: Who's this?

Molly: They didn't tell you about me? I'm the one who saved their asses back at the river.

Y/n: Well, you did kind of owe Lee and Carley for not killing you. 

Molly: Touché, kid. 

Turning to Lee now, she asks about Vernon. 

Molly: Who's the fossil?

Lee: This is Vernon, he's a doctor, he helped us get back here after we got separated.

Y/n: Yeah, he knows the area pretty good. Kind of like a walking talking map. 

Molly: I see. 

Molly walks up to Lee and holds out her hand. 

Molly: I think you have something that belongs to me.

Lee hands her the climbing pick and Molly walks away, but Y/n follows after her to ask about Clem. At the same time, Christa rushes down the stairs and into the kitchen. She spots Lee & quickly runs over to him while passing by Y/n.  

Christa: Lee. Thank God, you're back.

Lee: Christa, what's wrong?

Christa: It's Omid. He's gotten worse. Much worse.

Lee looks at Vernon. 

Lee: We have a man wounded.

Christa: Who's this?

Lee: This is Vernon, he's a doctor.

Christa: Oh, thank God!

Lee: Could you take a look at him?

Vernon: I'll see what I can do. Take me to him.

Vernon, Lee, and Christa walk into Omid's room, meanwhile Y/n is looking into other rooms while he follows Molly. Trying to find Clementine, but having no luck in any room so far. He sighs. 

Y/n: (Mind) Clementine, you better not have ran off again...

Suddenly Molly goes up the stairs and stops at the top, looking back at Y/n as she figured he was following her. The two look at each other for a second, but instead of saying anything she nods a little bit in front of her. 

Molly: What do you want, kid? 

She continues walking up the stairs, and Y/n follows after her. 

Y/n: Do you know where Clementine is? 

Molly: Nope. 

Molly goes into one of the bedrooms and starts searching around the bed frame, looking for anything that can unscrew. Due to the world being as screwed up as it is, people have gotten more creative at hiding their valuables. Meaning that there could be a stash of, well, anything. 

Y/n: Are you sure? She did go back with You, Carley, and Kenny

Molly: Yeah, but as soon as she got back here she ran off around the house. I don't know. She's probably fine. 

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