Chapter 56: Thanks For Everything

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Y/N Pov. 

Lee: I'm with Carley on this. They'll be safe and happy with you three. 

Christa: We're not doing this right now. 

Omid: Christa, listen to him. 

Lee: It's what we'd want, okay? 

I look over at the wall where Kenny is still beating the wall with my baseball bat. Chipping away at it over and over again. 

Y/n: What about Kenny? I don't want to leave him behind. 

I look at Lee and he places his arm on my shoulder. 

Lee: You won't have to. I don't think he'd want to leave, not after everything we've been through. 

Carley: Yeah, he'll be coming with us. 

Y/n: That's good. 

Molly laughs and looks at me. 

Molly: You really care about that old redneck, huh? 

Y/n: Of course I do. He's family. Just like Lee, Carley, you, Christa, and Omid. Even if we haven't been together long, a few days is like a few months apocalypse time. 

Molly: True. Time really does speed up when the world is trying to kill you. 

After a couple of more minutes, Kenny walks over to us with my baseball bat in hand. From the looks of it, he's finally gotten tired after hitting away at the wall for so long. 

Kenny: Alright, I'm outta gas. 

He looks at Omid. 

Kenny: You look good and rested.

Omid: Sure, if you don't count an infected leg.

Christa: You want me to do it?

Omid: Nah, hon, you can hop in after me.

Omid takes over smashing the wall with my baseball bat, and Kenny takes his seat on the couch. We're silent for a minute until Kenny looks at us. 

Kenny: Shouldn't be long now. It's good we're forced to take a breath.

Y/n: Maybe, but I still wish we were out there right now. Not forced to sit while Clementine's still out there. 

Kenny: Don't worry about it, kid. Just think, when your girl sees you she'll be happier than a Clam at high water. 

Y/n: I hope so. I miss her so much. We haven't been apart from one another this long in years. Only time we were ever apart was when she went to summer camp for a week when we were seven. I wonder if she misses me, too. 

Carley looks over to me. 

Carley: Trust me, she does. 

I nod, and soon Kenny turns to look at Lee. I see him staring at his arm. 

Kenny: That, uh... feeling any better?

Lee: Still feels pretty recently chopped. So, no, Kenny. It feels 'bout as good as you'd expect.

He leans forward a little and nods to the arm. 

Kenny: I mean, do you think it worked? Did it... did it help at all?

I see Lee look at his removed arm, but all I can think about are the symptoms he's showing. They're similar to Sandra's on that night. But then again, it could also just be blood loss. We have to wait and see, and hopefully I'm right. 

Lee: I feel like a man who got bitten. So take that for what it's worth.

Carley: It's worth a lot. At least to me it is. 

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