Season 2/Chapter 45: A New Face

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Y/N Pov. 

As we're nearly back with the water jugs, Bonnie looks at Mike and I while we still have them in our hands. 

Bonnie: You're telling me your arms ain't tired?

Y/n: Light work. 

Mike: I could do this all day.

Clementine nudges me with her shoulder. 

Clementine: C'mon, Mister Strong guy. Let's get to the others. 

However, we suddenly hear the sound of Rebecca screaming and pick up our pace. We run over to the group and I set down the jug of water as Rebecca's screams seem to get louder even if I'm not getting as close. 

Rebecca: Shit, shit. Oh, God...

Kenny: Breathe like I told you.

Carley: You got this, Rebecca. Just hang in there. 

I hear Rebecca start to breathe in and out with heavier breaths. 

Rebecca: Okay, okay, okay, okay. Oh, God. Oh, God!

I look over at Molly who is also trying to help Rebecca, but she just shrugs at me. And that's not all. Before we can even think about doing anything else, I hear Sarah call out for me and Clem. A very noticeable panic in her voice as the shortness of her breath is very clear. 

Sarah: Y-Y/n... C-Clementine... 

Clementine: What is it, Sarah? 

She and I turn around only to find a shit ton of walkers heading our way much like the herd during our escape from the damn Hardware store. They're quickly pouring out of the woods. One following the next. 

Y/n: Shit. 

Bonnie: Shit, walkers!

Bonnie gets everyone's attention and the group notices the horde coming our way. What's more is that I think a few are...faster looking than the rest. And do I see one holding a brick in its hand?

Y/n: (Mind) What the fuck? 

Mike: How'd they get that close without anyone seeing 'em? The hell's Luke?

Clementine: Kenny, we've gotta do something!

I look at Kenny and pick up my bat, tossing it to him. He catches it and I ignite my hands. 

Y/n: How about it, Kenny? Want to get out some aggression? 

Kenny stands up and grips the bat while looking at Clementine. 

Kenny: You just keep that baby safe. Y/n, let's go. 

Y/n: (Grins) No need to ask twice. 

Kenny and I start to walk towards the herd coming towards us, and all I can focus on are the special walkers I'd just seen. But before I can get a few feet away, I hear Clementine call out Kenny and I's name. 

Clementine: Kenny? Y/n? 

I look back briefly and give her a thumbs up. 

Y/n: We'll be fine. 

I turn back to the crowd and with my guitar on my back and Kenny by my side... I think we'll be fine. Kenny and I approach the walkers & two come at us, a regular one raises its hands at Kenny, but he takes my bat and slams it down the middle of the walker's head. Without much noise, the walker drops. 

Kenny: Dead motherfuckers!

He continues to beat it's head in as the other approaches me and I kick it's knee in like how I saw Jane do. Following that, I shoot it in the temple with a flame bullet the carves through its skull like a hot knife through already warm butter. More start coming at us and I turn to look at Kenny, but that's when I notice a walker running, not walking fast or even jogging, but running at Kenny from the side. 

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