Chapter 49: When The Past Catches Up

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Y/N Pov.

After running for a little bit, Molly and I finally make it to the part of the roof where we can get over to the next part of the school. It's the place where she needs to go or so she says anyway. While we look to the next part of the school, she points to one of the classroom windows that are nearby.

Molly: That one. Last thing I remember was there being a picture of her hung up in there.

Y/n: Why?

Molly: Not sure. But last thing I remember she had taken a photo and told me she placed it in there. All before...

Molly stops and looks at me before shaking her head. She taps my shoulder and nods to the window.

Molly: Let's not think about it right now. Just focus on getting the picture.

Y/n: Okay.

With the goal in mind, she and I make it over to the window with a little bit of caution. We're pretty high up and while I could save myself if I fall, I'm not sure I could save Molly if she did. Anyway, we look inside the window that leads to the classroom and luckily we don't see any walker or person inside.

Y/n: Alright, looks empty.

Molly: Looks can be deceiving, so be quiet and stay close.

I give her a thumbs up and she opens the window. Molly steps inside first and I follow after her while she looks around for a moment. I follow her lead, but all I see is empty desks and boards that the kids or I guess adults would use to write on.

Y/n: You really think the picture is in here?

Molly: Yeah, it's gotta be. I'll check the desk over by the chalkboard, you keep watch.

Y/n: (Nods) You got it.

She goes over to the desk and starts going through the drawers. Meanwhile, behind the desk, I notice a cabinet. It's one of those tall ones that looks like a person could fit...inside. Both of my eyes widen as I notice the door to it start to push open. And just as Molly looks up, I shout to her.

Y/n: Behind you!

Quickly, Molly turns around and a short lady walker comes barreling out of the cabinet and grabs Molly by the hoodie.

Molly: Shit!

Without thinking, I run over to Molly and take her Pickaxe, Hilda, out from the thing on her back. I get to the side and with a single swing of the pickaxe, I'm able to down the walker. However, It isn't completely dead and with a final swing I'm able to kill it. When I'm done, I pull Hilda out of the walker's head and turn to Molly. Only I find that she's staring at the walker with a sad look on her face.

Y/n: Molly?

Molly: That' of my sister's friends. I guess when everything fell, she got bit and tried to hide.

For the first time ever, I see...Molly start to cry a little. I wipe off Hilda and hand it back to her, but small tears are still falling down her face as she puts her pickaxe away. And of course, I'm unable to stop myself from going over to her and giving her a hug. At first she's hesitant, but then she's a little more accepting of it and hugs me back.

Y/n: I'm sorry about your friend, well, sister's friend. I know how it feels to lose people and it isn't great.

Molly: Yeah, it isn't.

As we hug each other, I look down at the walker and notice something sticking out of her pocket. I let go of Molly and kneel down to pick it up, and as I do, I notice that it's a picture. Unsure if it's the correct one, I show it to Molly.

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