Prologue: A Lit Match

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After Y/n fell into the water, Clementine felt a despair she hadn't felt before and ended up being bitten by a walker. However, AJ still saved her by using an axe to take off the leg that had gotten bitten; With help from James who had survived the fall off of the boat, he guided them back to the school where she was immediately helped by Ruby. After a few days of being unsure if she'd wake up or not, she finally did. Currently, everyone is in the grave yard as a small cross has been placed down by the school kids in memory of Y/n. A small phrase having been written on the old wood. 

"In Loving memory of Y/n "Ace" Smith, father, brother, son, friend, lover. The man who gave his life so his family could live. An Eternal flame." It was carved into the wood by Evelyn who wasn't just sad, but heartbroken. Having found her son only for him to die. Outliving your children isn't something she ever wanted. Maria was holding her face as she sniffled, but AJ put a hand on her shoulder and she hugs him. Clementine sat on a chair by the grave, even after not having found his body. 

Clementine: My... 

She breathes in heavily. 

Clementine: My boyfriend was more than just his powers, more than just a regular man. He was everything to me for so, so long. He protected me, AJ, and everyone we ever came across as best her could and was still doing it in the end. Y/n never gave a second thought to himself, as long as those he cared about were safe then that was enough for him. I will always love him, there's not a thing that could change that. I don't know how or if I'll ever be able to keep on, but I'll try as it is what he'd want. He is my best friend, the only man I'll ever love like that, and I hope I'll be able to see him again one day. 

She thinks for a moment, imagining his face. The face she took for granted. One she'd never see again. She'd never hear his voice, see his face in the morning when she woke up or went to sleep and she would never feel his lips against hers. 

Clementine: I know he's somewhere better than this. In the end he wasn't scared of dying, but scared of leaving us. I never got to thank him for it all and I'll have to live with that for the rest of my life. 

She pulls out the picture she took from his hat

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

She pulls out the picture she took from his hat. It was the one they had when they were eleven. "You started a flame in my heart," is on the back of it. She tears up and puts it away after looking at it. Clem stands up by herself using crutches & wobbles, Violet goes to help her but Clementine holds out her hand. 

Clementine: I'm okay. Thank you. 

Not being able to bear saying anymore, she walks away and heads into the school to keep from breaking down in front of everyone. Violet steps up next and looks at everyone as she coughs a little. 

Violet: I didn't know Y/n long, but I grew to love him. More than should be reasonably possible in that short amount of time. I will never forget how much he made me laugh or how he made me feel safe when I was afraid. I'll never forget who he was as a person. I didn't know him as long as Clem or AJ, but I figured out the type of man he was real quick. I love him just as much now as I'd loved him when I first fell for him. Nothing will ever be able to replace him. All I can do now is do as he asked of me and I will. 

The Walking Dead: Emperor of FlamesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin