Season 2/Chapter 40: Bird's Eye View

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Y/N Pov. 

As we run around and find an entry way into trailer park, we also find Nick stuck in the fence... But he's a walker. I don't know what happened, but I guess he ended up getting bit out here....

Y/n: Jesus...

Clementine: Oh, no... It's...Nick.

Jane looks at us. 

Jane: Look, he's your friend. One of you should do this.

Clementine looks at me and I nod, holding my hand out to her. I nod to her hatchet and she hands it over to me. After she does I walk over to the walker that was once our friend, Nick. Nick...reaches a hand out while trying to swipe at me, but I'm out of his, or rather it's reach. 

Y/n: I'm sorry, Nick. It shouldn't have ended this way for you. 

I raise the hatchet up and bring the blade down onto his skull, but it gets stuck. I groan and with another tug I'm able to pull out the hatchet, handing it back to Clementine who cleans it off on a piece of cloth from Nick's shirt. Molly places her hand on my shoulder, but Jane looks at me with a seemingly little bit of sympathy. 

Jane: It's alright. It's done. If it comes to it...if Luke, or Sarah, or anybody needs to be put down, you both gotta be ready for it. No hesitation. You know that, right?

Y/n: Yeah. We've done this before. 

Clementine: Too many times, if you ask me. 

I chuckle a little and look at Clem. Jokingly, I tell her that next time it's her turn. 

Y/n: Y'know, next time this happens you're doing it. 

Clementine sarcastically replies. 

Clementine: Lucky me. 

I walk over and grab the limp body of walker Nick, pulling it out the hole in the fence. I drop it to the ground before looking at the rest of the group. 

Y/n: Let's get going. I don't want to be here any longer than we have to be. 

Molly: Wait a second. 

Y/n: Huh? 

I look at Molly, as do the other two, and she turns to Clem. 

Molly: That hatchet isn't the best weapon to have. It gets stuck too easily. You need something that won't get you killed, so use this. 

Molly pulls a screwdriver from her pocket and tosses it to Clem, who catches it. 

Clementine: Thanks, Molly. 

Jane looks at Molly and gives what looks like a respectful nod.

Jane: Very effective. We can do this.

I give her a thumbs up and Clem walks up next to me, grabbing my hand. 

Clementine: You ready? 

Y/n: As ready as one can be, I guess. I just hope the other two are in better condition. 

We go through the fence and hide behind some playground equipment as walkers are wandering nearby groaning like some old guy trying to get up from their chair. Sarah is nearby...screaming and crying. I hope nothing bad happened to her or Luke, but we will see.

Luke: Okay, just... calm down!

Clementine looks at us.  

Clementine: What's the plan? 

Jane: They don't sound too good. Clock's ticking.

Y/n: Then let's get a move on. We're ready. 

Jane: I know you are. We need to get a better look.

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