Chapter 51: Don't Stop

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Y/N Pov. 

Numb. The only thing that I feel right now is numb. Not fear, not anger, not sadness. As I look at Lee's wrist, the bite mark left on it, all I can hear is the sound of the others gasping as Carley's in tears. 

Christa: Oh, my god...

Kenny: No way. No, no fucking way!

Carley walks over to Lee and grabs his other hand, laying her head on his chest. 

Carley: Jesus, no... Please, god, no. 

I feel a hand touch my shoulder and I look up to my right, finding Molly standing there. She's the only one who hasn't said anything this whole time. Even as she kneels down picks up my bat, no word is said. She hands it to me and I take it from her. Lee looks at us, and tells the others what's going on. 

Lee: There's no time to worry about me. Clementine's gone.

Omid: There's no chance she just wandered off on her own?

I turn to Omid. 

Y/n: No. She wouldn't have gone without me. 

Kenny: Then who the hell took her?

Molly: Shit... Not sure, but I've got a bad feeling about this. 

Lee: I don't know. 

Carley: Last night, Vernon came to us and offered to take both her and Y/n with him. 

I quickly glance at Lee and Carley. 

Y/n: What? 

Carley: Said she'd be better off.

Molly: Well shit, I didn't think the old guy would've kidnapped her. 

I see Kenny angrily grip his fists. 

Kenny: Son of a bitch. I knew we couldn't trust that fucker!

I think about it for a second, but it's not making sense to me. 

Y/n: If he wanted to take us, why'd he just go after Clem? 

Molly: He probably knew you'd set him on fire if he tried taking you both. So I guess he went after Clementine since she doesn't have any powers. Evil, but smart play. 

Lee: Wherever she is, I have to find her.

Carley: We have to find her. 

Carley looks at Lee and I, and I nod. 

Y/n: Carley's right. 

I feel my body starting to heat up as the road beneath my feet starts to black. Clementine's missing, Lee's bitten, and I can feel the numbness fading. I feel something now, and it's the greatest anger I've ever felt in my life... At the same time, Christa looks at Lee as he stands by Carley. 

Christa: Okay. What do you need from us?

Lee: Clem may not have much time. We have a better chance of finding her if we all go together. Who's with me?

Y/n: I'm going. There's nothing you can do to talk me out of it. 

Carley: Me, too. Of course. 

Lee nods and Molly sighs. 

Molly: I guess if you're taking the kid, I'd better go too. You already have your hands full enough, now. 

I look at Molly and she nods to me. 

Christa: We're all responsible for Clementine. And in your condition, you may not make it to her in time. She needs our help. All of our help.

Omid: Damn right. We can't let you do this alone.

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