Season 2/Chapter 34: Batter Up

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3rd Pov. 

It's night time, everyone other than Carlos is by the fire doing nothing as they wait for anything. Meanwhile Carlos is still checking in on Y/n's wound which has mostly been wrapped up now & has been tended to as best as it can. However, his brand, which is the shape of a skull, isn't the only thing he has to worry about. Molly is pacing back and forth, Carley is rubbing her temples, Kenny is by Sarita, and Clem is still sitting on the ground. 

Mike and Luke speak to Bonnie through the door to the yard, and then she leaves. Mike and Luke join the others. Rebecca looks at them. 

Rebecca: What'd she say?

Mike: She said she can get us out of the pen if we can get the PA system going. Second she hears it, she'll run over and spring us.

Rebecca: That's great. 

Luke: It's not great.

Molly scoffs. 

Molly: Well sorry sunshine, but we're shit out of options. This is the best bet we've got. 

Rebecca looks at Luke as she wonders about what he means by his statement. 

Rebecca: What're you talking about?

Luke: Look, I know part of this is my fault, I-I know. I was hungry, I got reckless trying to steal some food and I got caught...

Kenny: Yeah, nice going asshole. 

Kenny glares at Luke as he partially blames him over what happened to Y/n. If Luke hadn't got caught, he might not be in the state that he's in. Carley looks at him and he looks back, but she shakes her head. Kenny doesn't say anything, but Clementine does. 

Clementine: We can't stay here!

Rebecca: Exactly. We have no idea how long Alvin's got before Bill just kills him. We have to leave now.

Luke: Look, I hear what you're saying, but it's risky.

Nick looks at the group from his chair and nods, agreeing with Luke. 

Nick: It is pretty risky, guys. 

Mike: Risky? Did you see what that son of a bitch and his batshit daughter just did? Look, the plan works. Nothing needs to change. It's all set up. The hard part is done. This guy's fucking crazy. Who knows what he'll do next?

Carley: Agreed. 

Carley stands up. 

Carley: We're not staying here another night. We can't afford to.

Luke: Yeah, but now we're dealing with a kid beat to shit, and I'm a goddamn mess. Look, we should rest up, okay? We should bide our time, and we should wait for an opening

Carley: But didn't Bonnie agree to help us tonight? 

Luke: That doesn't mean she can't another night. 

Nick: I don't know, guys. Luke's making sense. Maybe we should wait.

Kenny grunts and walks over to Nick. 

Kenny: Listen here, dumbass. We're not waiting. The longer we wait, the more time it gives that psychotic fuck more chances to kill us. I'm not letting that happen. Especially not after today. 

Luke: Ain't nothing out there, guys. Trust me, I looked! There's no food, there's no supplies. They picked everything clean. I'm just saying, we gotta be sensible about this.

Molly: And when Carver just gets the urge to kill one of us again for no particular reason... What then? Will we bide our time more? 

Mike looks at Luke. 

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