Season 4/Chapter 27: The Party

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3rd Pov. 

Clementine, Y/n and AJ enter the music room. Tenn sets down several jars of candles, and Violet adjusts a record player. The room isn't brightly lit, but has a glow to it. Y/n looks around with his guitar in hand and notices everyone getting ready for the party that should be starting soon. But final touches are being added. 

Y/n: Looks like this is all coming together quite nicely. 

Clem hands the heater to Ruby.

Ruby: We still need to figure out lighting, music, and something to write on that banner.

Clementine: If we're gonna die, we should have some fun first.

AJ: Music? 

Clem turns to Y/n. 

Clementine: Will you be playing? 

Y/n: Maybe. Not entirely sure yet. Though there is always a way for us to listen to music without my guitar. 

AJ looks confused. 

AJ: How? 

Violet, who walks over, points to a record player on the nearby desk. 

Violet: See that? That's a record player. It's like Louis or Y/n in a box. C'mon, I'll show you how it works.

Y/n and Clem walk with Violet and AJ over to the record player. AJ looks at it, interested in the shape and what it looks like. Clem and Y/n decide to choose the music as it's rather important when parties are involved. 

Ruby: Pulled out the old headmaster's gramophone so we could play some records. Not much of a selection, but it should do. Just tell me what you wanna listen to.

Y/n and Clem whisper among each other and come to a final decision. 

Y/n: We've come to a decision. Let's do something country. 

Ruby: That's my favorite.

Y/n: Same here. 

Violet: Shocker. 

He looks back at her and chuckles, walking over and giving her a small kiss on the lips. 

Y/n: Be sweet. 

By now, everyone essentially knew that Y/n and Clem were dating Violet as word had quickly spread. Nobody really questioned it. If they were all willing participants and cool with it then they've got nothing to say. Violet continues to tell AJ about the record player and how it works.

Violet: So, you take one of those black things that look like plates, and put it on here.

AJ: And then it plays music?

Violet: (Nods) Uh-huh. And now you just have to turn that crank on the side.

AJ: That's really cool.

Y/n looks at AJ and Violet, glad they're getting along. "Who knows? Maybe she'll be like mom number two to him", he thinks. Over by the candles, Clem is deciding on what color jar to use. The jar that'll change the light of the room and add a bit more color to it. Ruby speaks speaks about it. 

Ruby: Wouldn't be a party without some kind of mood lighting. I've been going back and forth between colors for ages. Green's calming, but purple might be nice. Room gets natural moonlight, so something to complement that, maybe?

Clementine thinks for a moment. 

Clementine: Hm. Well, purple was my dad's favorite color.

Ruby: I read somewhere purple was the color of royalty.

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