Season 4/Chapter 33: Truth & Chains

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Y/N Pov. 

After getting Mom out of the cuffs as well as my little sister, I start sneaking down below the deck where I should find the others. I'm not sure where Clem or Violet are but I know they're probably down here. I look around the corner of the ship and find no one there so I walk out & head to the place where the cells are. A guy walks out as I slip behind a box and as he walks by, I grab him by the face. 

Y/n: Shh... Sleep. 

I snap his neck and shoot him in the head with a flame bullet, leaving his body in a closet that's by me. I leave the area and go down to an even lower level, but just as I go to turn, I bump right into Minerva. I look at her and she looks at me, neither of us saying anything. I turn my first into flames but she raises her hands. 

Minnie: W-Wait, your friends. I know where they are. I can take you to them, get them out. Then you can go. Run away as far as you can with them. 

Y/n: Why would you want to help me? 

Minnie: It's not for you, it's for them. I-I just want them and my brother to live... To live better than I did. I don't want this for them. Please, just get them and my brother and go. 

I look at her and turn my fist back to normal. Minnie breathes a sigh of relief, but for some reason something doesn't feel right. I follow her towards the place where the cages should be & we talk. It's clear she's not the same person that Violet used to talk about with us. She's not the same girl Violet was heartbroken over for a year. But I'm still choosing to trust she care for her and both of our friends enough not to screw us over. 

Y/n: What do you think you're going to do after all this? 

Minnie: What do you mean? 

Y/n: When we escape. Will you go back to the school or stay with the Delta? 

Minnie: I... I can't go back. Not now. 

I shake my head. 

Y/n: That's not true. By the way, Tenn wanted me to tell you that he forgives you. 

Minnie stops for a moment but shakes her head and continues leading me. Soon, we reach a part of the ship but Minnie falls a little behind me. I look over and find Louis, Omar, Aasim. All those we'd come for, but when I look to my left, I see Clem and Violet in a room. They both see me and their eyes widen. 

Clementine: Behind you!

I go to turn around, but I feel something lock onto my wrist and find that it's a pair of handcuffs. Minerva slipped them onto me while I was distracted. I look at her and try to turn into fire, but it doesn't work and I feel weaker than I had a moment ago. Shit, these are made out of Seastone. I really should've seen this coming. 

Minerva: Don't try anything. With those on you won't be able to transform, so no fire. 

Y/n: You bitch. After everything, you're still on their side. 

She raises her crossbow at me as she opens the door to Clem and Violet's cage, but I don't budge. 

Minerva: Go into the cell. 

Y/n: Tenn was wrong about you. Violet was wrong, too. You're not someone worth crying over. You're not even someone worth saving. 

Minerva: Shut up! Just go into the cell-

Even while weakened, I still maintain enough strength to fight back. I lean forward and grab her crossbow, making it aim up before kneeing her in the stomach. She doubles over as I throw her crossbow across the floor and shove my forearm into her throat, shoving her against the wall to choke her out. 

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