Season 4/Chapter 30: Let's Light This Candle

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(Merry Christmas. Thank you all for all the support over the years. I really appreciate it. I promise this new year is going to be different then the others and I got more planned. Hopefully, you will all like what I bring to the table. It'll be more than just "The Walking Dead" but new stuff added to my list of stories. I hope to make this year more memorable than the last with bigger, better, & more amazing stories. BTW, I'll try to get another chapter of ATLA out before Christmas is over.)

Y/N Pov. 

After getting dressed, Clementine, Violet, and I get ready with everything. Now it's our moment, our time, to make sure these assholes don't do anything to anyone ever again. Even if there's more people at their home, they'll think twice before coming back. We wake everyone up and under the moonlight, as we are attacking at night, we leave our home with everyone ready and waiting. 

Sneaking through the forest, Clem and I watch as a Delta soldier shoots a walker nearby us. We drag it in and throw it down in front of the others. They all stare at it and I can tell they're totally not going to enjoy what comes next. 

Ruby: Ugh. I guess we're really doing this.

Y/n: No choice. It's our only way to sneak onto the boat without alerting the soldiers or being bit by the dead. 

Clem looks at Ruby. 

Clementine: Fortunately, only the team blending in with the walkers need to cover themselves.

Ruby: Now we just need your walker friend to-

Before she can finish, we all hear AJ call out to us. Loud enough for us to hear, but not loud enough for us to be noticed. 

AJ: He's here!

I turn around, as do the others, and we look to find James walking up in his mask. It's off putting to the others, all except for Willy who seems to like it for some reason. Then again, he has always seemed weird to me. 

Ruby: Good Lord.

James stands near our group, but cautiously approaches us. He knows Clem, AJ, and myself but not the others. And after almost being shot last time, I can understand why he would be a bit on edge.

James: Uh... hello.

Clementine: Guys, this is James. 

AJ looks at the others. 

AJ: He's my friend.

Y/n: And our walker whisperer. 

The others just stare at him with what looks like awe, or maybe a little bit of shock. I mean, it's not everyday that a guy wears walker skin as if it was Halloween mask. But it's whatever, if you have seen it once, you've seen it a thousand times. 

Tenn: He's uh...

Willy: So. Cool! How do you get the skin like that?

James: Oh, I, um... Clementine? Y/n? 

Willy: Can I try it on?

James: That's not a good idea. 

Willy: Come on, please? 

I look at Willy and cross my arms. 

Y/n: Willy, you can ask questions later. Now isn't the time, so stay sharp. 

Willy: Yeah. Right... sorry. I'm focused. Oh, and sorry I tried to shoot you that one time. Your mask looks so real.

Violet looks at him, a little embarrassed about Willy. 

Violet: I, uh... hey. Hey there, James. Sorry about Willy.

James doesn't really think about it and walks over to us. I have my hat hanging behind me against my back using some orange tassels, so I can still take it with me but it's not seen by those... "Soldiers". If you ask me, Soldiers don't attack kids but I digress. Anyway, James is uncomfortable with all the "new" people around him and very noticeably so, but still sticks around. 

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