Chapter 21: Suspicions & Culprits

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As Y/n and Clementine sit by one another at the table, his guitar rests by a nearby wall. Clem has a smile on her face as anytime that she gets to spend with Y/n is good in her opinion. Even when he's down, since it gives her an opportunity to cheer him up. 

Clementine: Want to draw with me? 

Y/n looks at Clementine for a moment and nods. 

Y/n: Okay. 

Clementine hands him some paper and crayons as they start to color together. He raises up, this time Clementine rests her head on his shoulder as she draws with him, loving the attention she's getting from her best friend. 

Clementine: I was thinking we could draw something together. Like I draw the others and you draw the motel. 

Y/n: I guess we can. 

Slowly Y/n starts to feel like himself again as he and Clementine hang out. Nothing too extravagant, but something to make him feel better. And one crayon after another, the phenomenal piece of art starts to come together. Though the drawing of the motel isn't perfection as he's more musically talented than anything. 

Clementine: See, isn't this fun? 

Y/n: (Nods) Yeah, I like drawing with you. Although you're definitely the better artist. 

Clementine: Yes. Yes, I am. 

Y/n laughs as he looks at Clementine. 

Y/n: Not even going to deny it, huh? 

Clementine giggles and gives him a side hug. 

Clementine: Well you got all the musical talent, so I'm going to take this. 

Y/n: Fair enough. 

He takes his hat off and places it on the table before getting back to coloring some more parts in. Meanwhile, Lee opens Lilly's door and enters the room. She sits on the bed with her head buried in her hands, but looks up when Lee approaches. As she sees Lee, the first thing that she does is apologize for her actions before. 

Lilly: I'm sorry.

Lee sits in a chair opposite her as she raises from her hands. 

Lee: You don't have to apologize.

Lilly: Did you come in here to give me hell or to coddle me?

Cutting to the chase, Lee looks at Lilly. 

Lee: I wanted to follow up on what you said about stolen supplies.

Lilly: Do you know what's going on?

Lee: I don't, I just heard you mention it.

Lilly glares at him. 

Lilly: And you came in here to confess?

Lee hears the accusation and immediately fires back. 

Lee: I'm not stealing shit, I came in here to help.

Lilly: There's a traitor, somebody, one of us, out there. He or she or they have been taking things.

Surprised, Lee looks at her more intensely now. Listening to what she has to say and taking it with more than just a grain of salt. Sure she may sound paranoid, but last time someone else sounded paranoid, they were right. 

Lee: For real? Who? What do you got?

Lilly: Yes, for real. And I don't have shit. I just know.

Lee: Lilly...

She shakes her head, knowing with one hundred percent certainty that she's right. 

Lilly: The count's off and it's the good stuff. Antibiotics, oxy, fuck, anything with opium in it.

The Walking Dead: Emperor of FlamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora