Season 3/Chapter 12: Thicker Than Water

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3rd Pov. 

After being taken away from the church, Javier and David are thrown into the old quarantine room where the others had been previously. The frontier soldier throws them inside the old room and tells them they'll be staying there until Joan figures out what to do with them. But David protests of course. 

Frontier Soldier: Get in there, you two. Joan's gonna figure out what to do with you.

David: She's making a huge mistake.

Frontier Soldier: No, you made a mistake when you tried to attack her!

Clint approaches the group.

Clint: Hey! Everybody just take a breath, alright?

Javier: I was just trying to tell them-

Clint: And that's your mistake, right there. You can't fight everybody. Understand that Joan's not looking for revenge. She just wants order. Cooperation is the name of the game. There's still a way through this. But you've got to let Joan enforce the laws.

Javier glares at Clint. 

Javier: You do anything she tells you to do, huh? Go along with whatever she says, just to keep your place.

Clint: It's not like that. Joan's got a tough job. She needs all our help to keep this place safe. You boys want to make it out of here? Just relax and trust in the process.

The New Frontier closes the door and leaves. Javier looks at David. 

Javier: This is bad. What are we gonna do?

David: I never trusted Joan. I didn't think she'd turn on me like this!

Javier: David, hey!

David: I thought I had it handled. All of this is my goddamn fault! I should have seen it coming. But I dropped the ball. Big time.

He kicks the locker in anger, but Javier puts his hand on his shoulder to speak to his brother. To try and calm him down. 

Javier: I'm right here with you, man. We're getting out of this together.

David: Thanks. 

He looks down in frustration, however this time it's frustration with himself. 

David: I keep doing this. Making the same stupid mistakes.

Javier: You're still a hero to Gabe. There's still a lot you can teach him. This world needs all the heroes it can find.

David: That's my boy... Listen to me carefully. I don't care what's going to happen to me. I'm most worried about Kate and Gabe. They've got to survive. No matter what.

Javier nods his head. 

Javier: You can count on them, okay? Kate's level head got us out of more than a few jams.

David: Yeah, okay. No matter what we do, Joan's already poisoned this well. We've got to figure a way out of Richmond.

Javier: All of us?

David: All of us. This time tomorrow, we'll be together. And safe.

Javier: You never give up on anybody. 

He leans in and hugs his older brother. 

Javier: And I'm not going to give up on you.

David hugs Javier back and the door soon opens. As it does, they back away from one another to look at her. She enters the room with two armed guards & the brothers back away so they aren't filled with bullets. 

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