"Yes, I am very excited. Hope is awesome. I have a feeling the next baby Jones will be awesome."

Dr. Peirce used the fetal doppler onto Emma's abdominal looking for the baby. Everyone hears the heartbeat. Emma was in happy tears, as Killian was kissing her hand with joy. "Now that is a loud strong heart beat of baby Jones."


"That is the baby's heartbeat, little love." Hope babbles.

Dr.Peirce faces Hope. "We are going to set the baby, Hope." Hope babbles. Dr.Peirce turns on the sonogram machine and finds the baby. "There we are. Here is baby Jones." She faces the screen to the family. She points to the tiny baby in the sack. Emma was crying more seeing her baby growing inside of her.

Killian was in tears, their baby on the way is healthy. "There is the baby, little love growing inside of Mama."


"You and Henry can see a closer look o the baby."

"Awesome." Henry takes his sister. Dr.Peirce made room for Henry and Hope. to look at the screen. She pointed to where the baby was.

He kissed Emma on the head. "Our littlest pirate is growing inside of my beautiful swan."

Emma was smiling big. "Our baby pirate duckling is healthy." They kiss.

Back at home, Emma placed the sonograms of the baby on the refrigerator. She rubs her baby bump. "We saw you today on the sonogram, little duckling. We all love you. Mommy loves you so much."

Allison calls Emma. 'Hi, Emma."

"Hi, Allison. The sonogram went really well. Nine-week baby Jones is healthy."

"That is great. Are you working tonight?"

"Yes. I got a skip call for this evening Killian wants to come. Henry is going to a sleepover."

"I can watch Hope tonight."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am off for a little bit since it is a holiday."

"Come around 6:00 pm. I know Hope will be happy to see you."

Henry was packing for his sleepover. Killian was giving Hope her bath. She entered her son's bedroom. "Hey, kid.

"I am almost packed for my sleepover."

"That is good." She sat on the bed.

"It was really nice of Dr.Peirce give me and Hope a closer look of the baby."

"That was nice of her. She is a good doctor."


"I just want to stay before your Dad drops you off at Jasper's house. If something happens call me or Killian right away.If you do not feel safe, call me."

Henry knows his Mom had bad experiences in new homes from her foster homes. "I know but I know Jasper and his Mom. They are good people." He hugged his Mom

Killian dropped off Henry at Jasper, and he spoke to Jasper's Mom. He knew Emma was nervous about having her own sleepover at a friend's house but they both know Jasper is a good kid and their son did not have that options in Storybrooke.

Emma laid two dresses, a fuscia pink one and a dark navy one in front of Hope that she can fit in for her skip. "Hope, which dress should Mommy wear?" Hope pats the navy dress. "Good choice, little duckling. I can wear it to work tonight." Hope began crying. "Hope." She hugged her daughter. "Mama has to work, baby."

"Baby." She babbles more. Hope wanted to go to work with her Mommy.

"Oh the baby gets to go work with me." Hope babbles. Emma showed her photos of when she was pregnant with Hope while she was at work. "You were with me inside of my belly when I went to work."

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