"Yes, auntie is here, sweetie." She puts Hope on her lap. "What is the plan after Boston?"

"We are going to go to New York. Where is your family at?"

"Long Island. I was thinking of working in a hospital on the Upper West Side. My family and I can get an apartment nearby you and Emma's."

"Aye, we can be neighbors."

"Yes, whenever you decide to move back, we will move too. My husband is looking at apartments."

"Aye, the baby and Emma are safe out of Storybrooke. Gideon is the one under the hood..."

Ariel was confused."Belle's baby?"

"Yes, he was kidnapped to another realm where time goes quicker. As long as Emma was in town, she and the baby were in danger."

"What about the final battle?"

"My swan has gone through so much, I know she can defeat this battle. Or if the apprentice can prevent it, she won't have to fight it."

"When she defeats this battle, you will be raising three kids in Storybrooke."

Killian smiles big. "Yes. I am very excited to be a Daddy again in New York."


He takes Hope from Allison. "Do you want to get breakfast, little love in Boston?"

"Yes." Killiansmilesat his daughter's new word.

"We will bring breakfast for everyone."

Prince Eric, "I can come."

"Aye, we can show you around Boston, mate."

"Thank you."

Henry returns with a few duffel bags. "Lad, your sister and I are going to get us breakfast with Prince Eric."

"I will stay here with Mom in case she needs me." Killian carried Hope on his hip and went out to find his family and company breakfast. He really needed coffee.

Henry went to his Mom and laid down next to her. "Mom, I am right here. We are safe." He hugged his Mom. So much has happened in the past 12 hours, he cannot believe that his Mom is having another baby and they are moving back to New York City. They were in New York only 8 months ago.

Emma wakes up hearing Killian cooking in the kitchen and seeing her son and daughter next to her. "Hey, kid."

"Mom!" He hugged his Mom. She kisses her son on the head."Hopey, Mommy is okay. She is right here."


She puts her daughter on her lap and kisses her on the head. "Hi, baby girl."

"Hope got upset when she did not see you when she and Dad returned from the store."

"I am right here, sweetie. We are in a different place. This was where Henry found Mommy."


She smiles "Yes, there is a belly in my tummy. Which is why we are going to live in New York. Where there are no villains out to get us." Henry hugs his Mom. "How long was I sleeping?"

"10 hours. You fell asleep when we were still in Maine. Dad carried you in when we arrived here. Allison is sleeping on the couch. Is she coming to New York with us?"
"I think so. She told me she has a family house in Long Island." Hope babbles.

"Are we going to be living in the same apartment?"

Emma sighs. "That is what I forgot to do."


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