Escaping Danger in Storybrooke

Start from the beginning

Killian began packing but called his mother-in-law and Regina to come over immediately, seeing the family rushing and packing. "Emma?"

"Mom." They hug.

"Killian called. What is going on?"

"We are leaving."

"The final battle is your..."

"The final battle is not my top priority anymore." She continues to pack.

Killian enters the room. Snow White was curious."What is your top priority then?"

He held his swan's hand. She laid her hand on her abdominal where her baby was growing. "My focus is the safety of the baby, that I am carrying."

Snow White hugs her daughter and smiles big. "Emma, you are..."

"Yes. With Gideon here, I am putting my baby in danger. I cannot fight the battle with my baby on the way."

"Aye, our family is going on a trip until the wee one is born. Where the babe and my swan will be safe not here."

Henry carried down his sister. "Mama." Emma takes her daughter from her son. He goes to Regina. "Henry." Regina hugs her son.

Snow White hugs her daughter. "I understand. I am going to miss you so much."

"I am going to miss you too." She looks at Regina. "I am not sure how long or until... can you put a protector spell on the house?"

"Yes, I can."

"While you are not here, we will have more time to research how to help you defeat the final battle and figure out the evil queen's curse on me and your Dad..." She hugs her daughter again.

"We just got close again."

"When you come back, you will be bringing me another grandbaby for me to spoil. We can facetime."

"Henry and Killian spoke to the apprentice while Regina and I were in that fake realm. He can help you while we are not here."

"Emma, I will find a way to stop the Evil Queen's curse on your parents. I know the apprentice will help us on preventing the final battle from happening." She hugs her son. Regina looks at Emma. "Take Henry with you. He will be safer with you and Killian away from this villain."

"I am going to miss you, Mom."

"I am going to miss you, Henry. You will be safer not here."

Snow White and Regina helped Emma and Killian pack yellow bug. Emma called the supervisor, to see if their apartment is taken. They did not pack everything since they won't be much room to fill everything in New York.

Killian wrapped his arms around his swan. She guides his hand to her abdominal and places her hand on top of his. "Are you ready for another baby?"

"Yes, I am."

"Maybe we will have a boy this time?"

"Lad or lass, I will be happy."

"Hopefully, this villain won't ruin our family."

"You will be in all three of our ducklings' lives, Emma. This little one will have its Mommy in its life just like its big sister and big brother." Emma smiles.

Allison arrives. Emma had Hope on her hip. "Emma, I got your text. You are?"

"Yes, I am."

Allison and Emma hugged. "I am so happy for you!!"

"With the final battle. Leaving here is the safest option. When we come back, you will have another nephew or niece."

"I am joining you. Leaving Maine."

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