Y/n was very innocent and naive. She grew up really sheltered and was home schooled by her dad until he passed her sophomore year. Prompting her mom to pack up and move out of New York and to Indiana.
No one thought her and Eddie had anything in common, which for the most part they didn't, but Eddie couldn't resist that cute smile and the way she plays with the sleeves of her cardigans when she's nervous. He was so infatuated with her. Y/n was just as obsessed with Eddie, always hugging on him and wanting to spend every waking hour with him.

"Wow this is really good" Eddie said with a mouthful of steak.
"Thank you, y/ns father taught me how to make steak way back when we were young like you two." Y/ns mom gave a soft smile to both of the kids.
They continued to make small talk, talking about their days at school. Both of them avoiding y/ns panty reveal, that wasn't something she should know.
It was always so comfortable with the three of them, just like a little family. Every once in a while there was four of them, but we will come back to that later.

"Y/n just remember to do the dishes. I have to get going, You two don't stay up too late" y/ns mom said adjusting her name tag on her scrubs. She gave a quick kiss to y/ns head and waved goodbye to Eddie. She left in a hurry to get to the hospital. Y/ns mom worked nights, so eddie and y/n never really had to worry about anyone interrupting their alone time.

As soon as the front door closed Eddie grabbed way y/n from behind lifting her up and carrying her to the couch, body slamming her down. "Eddie!" Y/n yelled as her body bounced on the thick cushions.

"What are we gonna do tonight princess?" Eddie asked before leaning down to nip the skin just below y/ns jaw. Eddie couldn't get enough of y/ns skin, she felt electrifying to him. Once he had a little taste he had to go back for seconds and thirds, never wanting his meal to end.

"We can watch a movie, or we can go swimming, or we can just relax and you can play your guitar and I can read my book" y/n giggled at Eddie's lips and teeth on her skin.
"Orrrr, we can do all of the above, it is Friday night and no one will be back tonight, so it's just us Princess" Eddie gave a sloppy kiss below y/ns ear.
"See it's onlyyy" Eddie paused to look at his watch.
"6:42, we have all night baby" Eddie resumed his sloppy kissed down y/ns neck to her collarbone.
"can we start with swimming?" Y/n cupped Eddie's face pulling him back up so she could look into his eyes.
"Of course we can, let's go get you changed" Eddie pressed his lips to Y/ns letting them linger for just a moment. He could still taste the ice cream she had for dessert, lord she's so sweet for him.

"God you are so breathtaking, baby! Do a little spin for me" Eddie said watching y/n stand the smallest pink bikini anyone had ever seen. "Absolutely gorgeous" Eddie stood up from his spot on y/ns pink flower covered bed, he placed his hands on her hips keeping her still as she got a little dizzy from her twirl.
"And all mine". Eddie whispered resting his forehead against y/ns.

He could look into those pretty doe eyes forever. She looked at him with so much love, she really did care for Eddie. She's just so perfect for him, so fucking perfect for Eddie. She got his humor, she listened to the same music... well not at first, but Eddie worked real hard to get this pretty girl to listen to his music. Eddie thought he won the lottery by securing y/n as his, he couldn't believe it. This girl was his dream come true.

Every time he closed his eyes he saw y/n, he heard her laugh, he felt her on his body, he could still smell that pretty perfume she wore. Don't get him started on how innocent she is, she didn't even know about sex or drugs or anything. So so naive..

"M'all yours" y/n stood on her tiptoes to kiss Eddie.

Eddie couldn't help but oogle his girl as she walked around the house and back yard in that skimpy little bikini, one that he told her could only wear around him.
It barely covered any of her bottom and the top was basically just nipple covers. Eddie loved ever bit of it.
He watched her swim around in the pool for 45 minutes with his feet in the water.
They talked about Eddie's new campaign, that's something Eddie liked about y/n. She had such a crazy imagination, she came up with a lot of Eddie's ideas for the game.
"What if- if there was a-a-a troll in the dun-dungeon" y/n shivered out standing between Eddie's legs.

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