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God! How can a person change like this?

Well, I'm not complaining though, the more he behaves respectfully, the more adoration he is acquiring from me.

It's Tuesday morning, and during the past three days, Veer had kept his tail curled up without bothering me.

He smiles whenever we would cross paths, which weirdly makes my body feel some kinda inexpressible things.

This guy, If he keeps on maintaining this character, I would be falling for him real hard in no time.

It's provoking him to appear much more attractive!

"Diya how did you realize that you were in love with Aarav?" I inquired her when we got a break after two classes. "Uh-well..ah..Oh..I don't know" I twitched my lips and bestowed her a discontented look.

"Been in love for years and you don't even know when you fell for him..." I mumbled irritably. "Yazhi babes, it's a very complicated thing." she strived to convince me but I shook my head and decided to ask Aarav about it.

"Aarav!" He darted his view to us from his bunch of friends and excused himself from them when I signaled him to come toward us.

"Yes?" He sat near Diya and looked at both of us. "Yazhi has a doubt, please do solve it" Diya smiled sweetly at Aarav and he raised his eyebrows for me to put forward my query.

"So when did you realize you were in love with Diya?" I asked him and placed my palm under my chin and balanced it upon the desk, as my eyes stayed glued to Aarav's confused face.

"Ah that's a problematic question" is it really a tough one? "Seriously! I can't find a good answer for it" he lent Diya a nervous look and got up from beside her.

"I will get going bye" he blurted out and ran to his friends inducing us to burst out into laughter.

"Still Yazhi babes, why did this question rose in your mind suddenly?" Diya implored as we halted laughing.

"Um...I guess I am growing feelings for Veer" her lips separated in shock but soon a teasing smile found her brims. "Ahaa ahaa" she pinched my cheeks and grinned.

"That's why my babes is often blushing for no reason huh, I got it now" She began to nag me while I blushed profusely.

At noon, we were asked to leave for our home since we have to pack our things for the excursion and get to college at 6 'o'clock in the evening.

I didn't have the chance to see Veer at university and I secretly wished that he would somehow come in front of me before I fled the college campus.

When Aarav and Diya left on the bike, my eyes restlessly searched for Veer but he wasn't anywhere close to my sight.

Letting out a sad sigh, I shifted away from the parking lot. Upon attaining the entrance of the campus, I saw Veer and his friends laughing and chatting.

As soon as his gaze wavered to mine, he smiled at me...my heart felt as if a cool breeze had grazed against it simply because of that mild smile of him.

Did I actually fall for my junior?

The silly Veer!?



He is my husband Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang