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"Call him," Mom asserted with a narrowed eye look. Dad just nodded in approval to her pair of words.

"Ahh, what If he is busy!?" I asked my curious parents, who were seated on my mattress in front of me.

I was very confused from the morning itself, about whether to message him or not?

However, due to my parent's continous persistence, I messaged him eventually at noon, yet all in vain-- because the message hadn't been delivered to him till now, I mean, even when the world has tugged itself in its dark-tinted cloak, about to take a long slumber, my message was still not delivered! Argh!

"If he is busy, he will tell. First, you call him" mom further prompted me and I offered dad a pleading look.

Understanding my untold words, he mumbled. "Let's go, she will call him" dad spoke in a finalizing tone, giving no other options to mom except for her to set off behind him.

As they went outside my room, mom suddenly peeked her head in from the door and showed me a thumbs-up sign before shutting it smoothly.

Shaking my head at her actions, I stared down at the phone laying on my bed.

Grabbing the phone in my palm, my eyes examined the time on the screen. It's 9.15 pm now. Would he be free at this time?

For answering that question, I should call him and know it myself! Exhaling a breath, I clicked on his number which I had saved as 'Ennanga♥️'. I can't wait to see his reaction when I call him that!

How would he possibly react?



I'm so eager to learn his response! My breath was seized in my throat, as I glimpsed nervously at the mobile executing its duty while screaming out the ringing sound.

I had pressed the loudspeaker, just so that I would be able to hear him louder and clearer.

Seconds passed by and I was about to lose my faith in him picking up the call, but like an unexpected tremendous wave of the ocean, his deep voice nuzzled my senses.

"Yazhini" The way he uttered my name, made my stomach experience the ticklish feeling that the flying butterflies in there had caused. "Hello.." I mumbled while holding the phone near my lips.

How did he know that it was me before I had even spoken a thing?

"How do you know it's me?" I was amused, waiting for him to explain. "Your mom had lent me your number" He stated gently. I see.

"Saaptiya?"(had food?) my ribs region to my overall stomach tightened as he spoke again. Why would my body react like this to his simple words?

He is just speaking! Control your hormones Yazhini.

"Ahm saaptaen, neenga?" (I had, what about you?) I asked nervously, my voice going too sweet, having me feel cringe as it left my mouth.

Don't blame me, I'm feeling too shy with this man.

He didn't seem to mind it though. "Yeah just had" he replied and continued to converse, "Yazhini, are you by any chance afraid of me?" Ah. He must have taken my shy voice for fear.

Still, he isn't completely wrong though, I'm scared of him, but in a good way.

"Little.." I trailed off and he chuckled.
That made my body to warm up, and presently, I'm more than in awe of how he is capable of eliciting such impressions in me.

"I can grasp it and wait a minute Yazhini, let me close off this work" he sighed and I heard a shutting sound, laptop perhaps? followed by some shufflings. Goodness! Did I disturb him? He was working now!

"Ennanga, are you busy? I'm really sorry If I disturbed you" He didn't reply for some time which pushed me to be more concerned. Before I could check on him, he spoke out. "What did you just call me?" His voice was entwined with expectancy now.

"Ennanga..." I repeated and couldn't find a way to stop myself from blushing. "I like that," he said, for which my skin fluttered with goosebumps.


"I was just closing up my laptop after sending an email, not actually busy" he responded to my previous question. "Um..okay nga(denotes respect) then..?" I don't know what to speak anymore.

"Have you been keeping my umbrella safe?huh?" His tone seemed serious, but I'm not sure If he is really.

And what is he talking about!?



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