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Rudra Dev

A day has been flung over. The previous day, I exited my office at late noon to be with Yazhini. After knowing about my brother's intentions, I felt kind of unsafe about leaving her alone. However, Veer wasn't home most of the time, during the prior business hours.

Presently, I'm impatiently waiting for Karan to deliver me the information I had asked for. He had contacted me a few minutes ago and declared that he is up with all the details. Too quick than I expected. Now I'm rather eager to learn all the data he had collected.

It pains me to come to the reflection that Yazhini is still keeping the truth concealed even after all the chances and clues I had thrown in her way to let her tell me the things that are bothering her.

But I could understand where her hesitation had initiated from. I grasped it when I imagined myself being in her place, obviously, her first thought would be my mistrust of her. It's no doubt that she would have had the thought of me supporting and believing my brother over her.

Little did she know, I would have investigated thoroughly before jumping to any random conclusions.

To be more specific, there's a Tamil proverb that goes...“Kannaal Kaanbathum poi, Kaathal kaetpathum poi, there visaarithalae mei” (Eyes could deceive, ears could deceive, only the things that are highly analyzed could be considered as truth)

There you go, that's what I have been following in my life for quite a long period. So far, the results have never disappointed me.

I wish the same in this case.

"Sir" I heard Karan's voice, trailed behind was few knocks on the door of my cabin. "Come in" as I said that, the door opened to show Karan, his hands clutching a file.

He came in and stood in front of my glass desk. "Go ahead" I encouraged him to explain the information. "According to Yazhini mam's classmate, much precisely, a girl named Diya, who is also her ex-friend, said that Yazhini mam has been in a relationship with your brother during her final semester days." He blurted out as he handed me a paper from the file, consisting of details about Diya.

I looked through it and nodded my head at Karan to go on. "But she also said that your brother had just played with her for a bet, and he never truly loved her." I raised my eyebrows, draining in the news.

That deciphers why Yazhini stated that he betrayed her. Yet, seriously? Like for a bet, he made her love him!?

"Sir..." I stared up at Karan's face, etched with an unsettling expression.
"Yes, Karan?" He hesitated before speaking. "The other day you wanted me to pick up your brother in your car from his college, for the reason he had been involved in some clashes with a female student.." I squinted my eyebrows, thinking back to that day.

His Principal had called me and notified me that he had troubled a girl who is his senior. I was irritated at his behavior! To give him a good piece of mind, I had asked Karan to bring him to my office and also insisted he witness my brother admitting guilt to that girl.

The main motive I sent Karan was to confirm that Veer had really apologized to the female student.

Connecting the dots, now I get it that the girl is none other than my Yazhini.
"It's Yazhini right?" He nodded his head.

"But Karan, Diya is her ex-friend...Is it convenient for us to blatantly trust her words?" That part seems off.

"Sir, I had a similar thought but she gave video evidence. It clarifies everything and I also had done a proper double-check about the video. You can believe its contents without a doubt. Plus sir, she was adamant to comply with my interrogations initially, but when I paid her cash, she answered all my questions. I paid her another sum of money to keep my inquiry a secret too" She appears to be a voracious person.

Karan then quickly slipped his phone from his pocket and let his finger swipe over it.

As he handed me the phone, I started the video to my scrutiny. My brows furrowed, wrath and revulsion filled my blood, and my stomach literally burned in anger upon seeing my brother badmouthing my wife.

How mannerless he is! How did he turn out to be this cruel..!!!

I closed off the video and retracted the phone to Karan while I stood up from my chair, distress consuming my brain.

"I will be off to my home" I mumbled, patting Karan's shoulder with a nod as I left my cabin in resentment.

I'm so fucking angry!!!

Entering my car, I drove away. My head burst with thoughts of my little brother. How can he be such a horrible person!!

I clutched the steering wheel tighter, calming myself. Just then, a call came in. It was my Yazhini.

Before I could attend to it, my car unexpectedly crashed with a huge truck. It happened in a swift moment, leaving me stunned. I couldn't do anything.

Oh god..nooo...noo..this can't be happening.....

I don't want to die now...

Immense pain ran through my entire body and very soon, blackness surrounded my senses....



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