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The next day was going as usual as I sauntered to the entrance of the college. Though people are glancing at me weirdly, I couldn't care less about it.

Because the last night my parents had made my heart light with our regular conversations...I thought to let them know about the awful incident of mine, but I didn't want to again reopen the sealed chapter so I prevailed hush and attained happiness from their innocuous and pure smiles.

And now my mind is determined to achieve the only goal of making my parents proud!

No other unwanted thoughts!

Walking through the large gate, my gaze settled on the huge commotion taking place inside the campus.

The voice....it's Diya's!

Initially, I wanted to just wander past it and enter the college but seeing she has gained the attention of the Principal, almost all the professors, college students, and some of their parents who came to drop them...and even the passers-by, I was intrigued to witness what was actually going on.

Fumbling over some peers, I raised on my tiptoes to see Diya crying like an insane woman, begging and pleading to Aarav to love her....oh how did I not see this coming?

She has always been more crazy about him than he is.

I don't think that this drift between them is only because of me. There must have been many cracks in their relationship beforehand and when Aarav got one last hit--he must have had enough and chose to break up.

Of course, otherwise, why would he cut off their relationship just for Diya's cruel words towards me!

Anyhow, it's not my business anymore, well it has never been. But Aarav deserves someone more beautiful in heart than Diya.

"Aarav, please...." She held his shirt collar, tears leaving her eyes like a heavy storm. I really couldn't feel anything for her right now. Neither sympathy nor happiness.

Happiness, because it's always enjoyable to see a person who hurt you is getting hurt. However, I can't even feel that!!!

Sighing, I awaited for Aarav's reply. "What please? After all the ugly words you spat to my sister and Yazhini...how would you think I would still love you?" Oh god, what did she do to Aarathi?

"What--" she looked at him in horror. I'm sure now she has done something worse to that kid. "You were bullying her...ever since the first time you met her. Aren't you?" Diya remained quiet at Aarav's inquiry.


Noone deserves that.

"You were bullying her for her personality and beauty...and do you know where it ended up?" He screamed at her in outrage.

"I figured it out just yesterday. She had been harming her relentlessly due to your verbal abuse. A seventeen-year-old she is...what had she done to you for earning these hefty words in return?" That is why Aarav asked me about suicide and all the previous day, it makes sense now.

God this Diya!

"After discovering that I wanted to kill you right at that moment but due to my sister's resistance, I stayed calm. And see, you still have the nerve to ask me to love you after all of your terrible deeds..." His face was scrunched in disgust so as everyones.

"She is lying I had never bullied her.." Diya retorted for which Aarav fisted his hands. "I had seen your true face when you spoke like a bitch to Yazhini back during our excursion time. That is when I started to doubt you" His jaw ticked as he neared her, some male professors gripped him back from reaching her.

"Yazhini! Always Yazhini!You are the one who even asked me to befriend her! What the fuck! Did you sleep with her or what?" I gasped inaudibly at her cheap words. She has gone mad at this rate.

"She is like my sister!" Aarav broke free from the professor's clasp abruptly and slapped her twice on each of her cheeks hard.

Soon all of them swarmed around them, barring my view of what was transpiring between them.

Standing still for a few seconds, I rushed to my class.

Both of them didn't come to class that day and yes, the hectic news and rumors today are once again of me and them.

My classmates were looking at me disgustingly because of Diya's words. I really don't care at this point. They believe whatever they hear or see and I ain't got time to clarify everything.

I just wish that my life would go back to normal as it is before...



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