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As soon as they left, I slumped on the floor, wondering what should I do. "I'm so happy" my mom grinned, looking down at me and I gave her a half-hearted smile.

"You aren't so happy with this alliance, are you?" Dad implored, sitting next to me on the floor. Actually, I'm but what I was now worrying about was related to the dowry-

Keeping in mind that they are so rich, they would probably demand heavy cash from my parents which I'm not at all pleased with.

"No appa, I like him. It's just about dowry" I softly said while fiddling with my fingers. A chuckle left dad's mouth and I frowned right back at him.

I felt my mom settling on my other side and I prompted her a look to explain why dad was reacting this way. To my surprise, mom had a smile too.


"Our future son-in-law and his parents threatened us to never mention about dowry. So what else should we do other than to smile at the good human god has sent in our way" Amused was all I was, after listening to my dad's words.

"Now, don't feel too much about anything and be happy!" My mom pinched my cheeks in an attempt to bring out my goofy side.

I'm still perplexed.

"Ma, but why did they suddenly approach us for alliance...?" That question seemed dumb as it left my lips. Because Mr. Rudra Dev likes you, obviously.

That thought made my skin tingle in anticipation.

"Makku(stupid)" My mom smacked my head playfully, earning a cackle from my dad.

"Then...what next?" I asked, and they went quiet. "Engagement" dad piped up. "Anyhow, marriage will be only after you attained Twenty-one years old" mom let out a sigh.

"Following the law, I see" I gave them a proud nod accompanied by a smile. "Yes and there's just three and half months left for your birthday" mom further continued. "Plus in the meantime, you should apply for Msc in a good college" I nodded my head, approving of her statement.

"After marriage, you should start going to college again" dad chirped in.

"Hmm," I hummed, a sudden fear encircling me when I think about being away from my parents...forever.

I know they might as well would be thinking the same, speculating by their composure. So I quickly got rid of that thought to not get sad and cleared my throat, gaining my parent's interest.

"You have your future son-in-law's number?" I inquired, with a shy smile.
"We do," Both of them said in unison and chuckled.

Mom stood up and walked over to the dining table to grab dad's phone. She extended it towards me once she returned and I caught it in my hold.

I quickly shared the number on my WhatsApp and gave back the phone to her. "While speaking to him, don't call him by his name okay?" Mom said and I gave her a frantic look.

"What!?" I blinked my eyes in confusion. "Then what should I call him?" She smiled before conversing again. "I don't know but don't call him by his name, it's not respectful." I nodded my head understandingly.

He is quite elder than me...so calling him by his name indeed would seem a bit disrespectful.

Then what should I call him? With that notion, I entered my room.

Plopping on my bed, I disputed what should I call him If he contacts me. "Ennanga! ( one of the ways to call husband)" my mom shouted, and that's when my brain turned on its tube light.


I could call him that?




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