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On that day evening, we were dropped onto some popular street marts to purchase things. Veer had gone to a different store while I went to another.

I brought a pair of slippers for dad. His old one had become so worn out, but he just doesn't change it even when mom and I cornered him to, so If I present him with a new one, he would never deny it.

For mom, I purchased a pair of earrings with red stone. Though she loves to wear it, she was always hesitant to put it on.

She often says excuses like 'I am already so old, this won't look good on me.' which is a lie! She would be looking gorgeous when she wears it. I can imagine it now itself!!

I saved a hundred and fifty rupees from the total thousand rupees.

I lend the remaining cash to the grandpa who was asking people to give him some food.

Veer who saw this as he walked towards me, had a displeased look on his face. "You could have spent it more wisely" I shrugged. "I already have everything I wanted so.." he sighed and took something out from his pocket.

"Ring?" I inquired when he spread his palm open.

"I love you Yazhs" my gaze flickered to his and I stared at him without blinking. Did he just propose to me!?

"Veer what..." I stammered and glimpsed anywhere but him. "I don't know what you feel about me, but If you feel the same as me, take this ring" I confusedly peeked between him and the ring.

"I need time to think Veer" he sighed and enclosed the ring with his fingers.
"Please don't take too long Yazhs" he grinned and we made our way towards the tour van.

We were the first to enter inside and get seated on the bus.

Diya told me she got butterflies when Aarav proposed to her. I thought I would also feel it with Veer but I didn't feel anything...The only thing I felt was surprise nothing else.

Asides from that, Aarav and Diya seemed to drift off due to yesterday's incidents. Both of them were with their friends. And Diya can create friends soon, as she usually mingles with everyone so easily.

Just then I felt Veer's eyes on me and I gave him a raised eyebrow look. "You are beautiful.." I nodded my head with a smile and leaned back on my seat.

"You are very handsome too" he chuckled and spoke. "I know" oh the self-esteem.

"I really want you to love me Yazhs.." he uttered while I let my stare linger out the window to see students scrambling towards the bus.

How can I respond to those words!?
I merely nodded my head and saw my classmates catching their seats once inside the bus.

Well honestly the next day also went well with Veer's company and he even made me dance on the way back to our college.

It was awkward but the disco lights saved me!

Now I really wanted to reciprocate Veer's feelings and yes, I will let him know about it as soon as possible.

He will be my Veer thereafter.



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