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“Why can't she understand my

Although I accept, that it's my fault that she has now gone far away from my reach, I can't stand the factuality. Because it wasn't any of my intentions in the first place to hurt or humiliate her.

Cause I love her.

I loved her way before she had even noticed me.

When I moved out of my home to the hostel, I was determined to make my worse circumstance a little better as well as to rebuild the crumbled relationship with my dad by doing good in my studies.

And in between all these, I was so relieved that at least my brother had some trust in me. He doesn't really spend much time with us...with me...after he had graduated from

I badly missed him.

I had always looked up to him from my childhood and he is my favorite person in our family. My life was jammed with joy when he was with me and I felt immensely loved by him.

But as soon as my brother left for his higher studies, things started taking an u-turn.

Usually, when I return home after school, my brother used to pamper me and ask me about the incidents that happened in the school for which I would tell him every single scenario stored in my head. He would listen to it keenly and would crack jokes often, making me giggle...he is also the one who urges me to study. He wouldn't let me free until I complete my homework and after I finish them, he would put me to sleep by narrating some tales. He was my world...he meant more to me than my parents did and I was very much attached to him.

And that was exactly the reason why his absence had brought a prominent change in me, mentally.

His non-existent from the home after I returned from school made me cry. I didn't know what to do. My mom didn't certainly pay much scrutiny to me rather would always ask our maids to look after me and provide me with all I wanted.

Dad was also out of home most of the time and even when he will be available in the house, his interest is directed to his laptop or phone instead of me or mom.

I didn't like any of it and as a consequence, I did badly in exams. I begged mom to bring my brother back home but she didn't budge to my words. I cried, cried myself to sleep, waiting for my brother to magically appear in the home and look after me and adore me as he always did. But he never came. He used to contact mom and speak to me, which was my only boost to happiness. Yet, as time went by, his calls became less to nothing and I couldn't concentrate on my studies thereafter.

Also, the school was absolutely tough on me. Students were bullying me, I loathed it but I didn't know what else I could do other than to beat them up. However, due to my battle against them, they quit even staring in my way. It satisfied me to watch them get scared because of me!

And subsequently, I had a gang of my own in all the schools that my parents had altered me in and we did every crazy thing that would annoy teachers and our classmates.

It was fun.

At the same time, my mother then started taking care of me, seeing my bad activities...anyways, it was too late. I didn't give in to her love.

Somehow I then passed out from school and unknowingly fell into the hands of alcohol due to my friends. To appear bad, such grossing-out drinks are inevitable.

Only then did I realize how ugly I had made my situation into. Though I wasn't much fond of my parents, I was shocked when my father was ready to disown me.

I came back to my senses after that terrible incident. For my brother who doesn't even take some time out from his work to regard me, I shouldn't be wasting and destroying my life.

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