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Reaching my home in the late evening, I unlocked the door and bolted it behind me. Mom will only come at 6.30 and dad's arrival would take more time.

Exhaustedly I entered my room. Shrugging off my bag and placing it on the mattress, I sat on the floor, near the edge of the bed.

I can't feel anything.

No anger towards anyone. I'm just disappointed in myself for trusting all the wrong people.

What do I do now...?

I can't even bring myself to cry out the pain in my heart.

Momentarily, listening to my phone ring, I took it out of my backpack and attended the call. It was Aarav. "Yazhini, you are okay right...you didn't do anything stupid, did you?" His concerned voice made me smile faintly.

He had always treated me as his little sister, he often let me infer of how much my character is similar to his small sister. I had met her once during our college day function, she is in high school, and she came off as a very quiet person...just like me.

Then I understood why Aarav always compares me with his sister.

"Do something stupid?" I repeated his words amusingly. Did he really think I would try suicide and all?

Never ever will I do that. I want to make my parents proud and happy. And for that, I have to be alive.

Even If I did something ludicrous as Aarav fears, I would be in peace maybe, but what about my parents? They will have to live with agonizing pain because of my one abrupt decision.

Just the thought itself is heart-wrenching.

"Hurting yourself.." Aarav's tone is mixed with hesitation and worry. "Aarav, I would never attempt to do something like that," I said with a smile, surprised at his words.

"Good, and don't worry too much about the rumors spreading in our college okay? It will die down gradually when they get another flavorful news." I mumbled a 'yes' and remained silent.

What he said was true though, they won't remember this when they get another heated news. They just want something to gossip about, and it doesn't matter to them of who gets hurt in the cycle.

"And talking of Diya I had broken up with her." I stayed unreactive to his words. I don't want to heed anything about Diya or Veer anymore.

To me, they are like an already-read chapter of my life, the chapter where I learned some good life lessons and got to know the true colors of my once adored people.

It's a chapter I never want to re-read.

Aarav spoke again as I didn't reply to his previous statement. "Well then take care Yazhini, bye". I responded back soon. "Thanks, Aarav...you too take care" he hummed and disconnected the call.

Spotting the phone back on the mattress, I let out a sigh.

At least I have one friend who cares for me...

Everything will be eventually alright, I will just have to focus on my studies without distractions.

In order to stuck down those distractions successfully, first of all, I need to curb my negative thoughts from my brain.

So If I have to erase those negative ones, I will have to replace them with some positive ones.


My parents.

Yes! A small moment of chatting with them and that's all it takes for my mind to get refreshed.

Hearing a ping sound from my phone, I grabbed it again and stared at the notification panel. It was from Veer. "Hey, nerd! 8 pm? Convenient huh?" Sh...disgusting fellow.

How in the world did I fall in love with him god!

'Chee' I sent the message and blocked him, likewise, blocking him from my whole life.



Poor her...

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