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The whole night I just cried, I didn't know what else to do. The person I thought of as my friend and anticipated to be with me in all the thicks and thins betrayed me.

She didn't even seem to be remorseful for what she had done. She was sleeping on the bed that was beside mine calmly.

'Why did you do this?' I whispered, tears rushing down from my eyes. 'Aren't you the one who squealed in happiness when I got the first mark in every semester? Is that Diya fake? I thought you were genuinely happy for me' I buried my head in the pillow sideways and looked at her snoozing face.

Even though she had never liked me, rather pretended to like me, I am still grateful to her for lingering beside me always.

She said I am a disturbance to her. I didn't do anything except for just existing. I mind my own business and speak only when it is necessary, I didn't know these simple things were capable of making someone hate me...

She stirred in her sleep and faced my direction. All I could reckon when I look at her face was the Diya who held me when I felt sad and sick, who gave me a shoulder to cry on, and the person who loved me.

Pretended to love me.

I smiled slightly and in a second my lips curved downward letting out a cry.

Why would she do that...why would she betray me?

My head felt heavy, and soon weariness hugged me to sleep.

The next day, Veer gave me company to my fortune.

Right now we are having lunch at a restaurant after pacing through the tea plantation area for a while.

"You know I have a cousin sister named Shreya and she always makes me laugh like a freak" I looked up from my food and blinked my eyes at him.

"Huh?" He continued again. "She is six years old now and one day when I was teaching her the days in a week, she made me laugh out loud." He chuckled.

"How?" I curiously implored while he gulped down the food and spoke. "I asked her to spell Monday and she was like, 'M.O.N.D.A.Y and it's Friday Veer anna(elder brother)!" I giggled at his imitation of a kid.

"She is cute" he nodded his head and gave me a look before blurting out. "Like you" glad I didn't have food in my mouth otherwise I would have definitely choked on it.

I pursed my lips to control the blush but alas! I couldn't keep it in. "Thank you..." He again stared at me for a few seconds which made me nervous.

"What..?" I asked anxiously while he shook his head. "Nothing.." sighing, I proceeded to eat.

I'm really pleased to have Veer by my side. I would have been crying and feeling terrible the entire day If it wasn't for Veer.

My silly Veer.



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