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The subsequent sunrise, I along with my parents went to a college which was recommended by Google to pursue my Msc in microbiology. It is located in the city and it's the most nearby academy from our village.

The university was quite well known and a good one, so I opted for it without any hesitation.

After I was allotted a seat, which I certainly hoped I would get, my parents paid the fee and we were soon out of the campus.

Once inside the auto while on our way to home, my phone began to sing out. It was him. I attended the call hastily and put it to my ear with a smile.

"Are you outdoors?" He rushed, probably heeding to the horning sounds from my surroundings. "Yes...went to apply for Msc in a college" I blurted out, and swerved my gaze to my mom who was looking at me curiously.

"Avara?"(Is it him?) She whispered and I nodded my head, soon witnessing a bright smile on her face. She signaled me to go on and I shook my head at her as I proceeded to listen to his words.

"Which university exactly?" His tone was dangerously calm now and it made me intimidated. "UC College of Arts and science," I said and waited for his reply.

"Ah, it's a popular university" He spoke knowingly. "Yes and after our marriage, I would start going to that college.." I internally face-palmed in shyness when those words evacuated my mouth.

Marriage... I'm gonna marry Mr. Rudra Dev. The man who is capable of evoking sexual emotions out of me even without touching me. Although I have very little knowledge about that topic, I still can understand that my body is literally yearning and begging for his touch whenever I think of him.

Frankly, may I say?

I want him to touch me...

And neither am I ashamed to admit it nor do I care about how desperate I'm coming off. Well, basically cause he is my future husband, so it's okay to have a craving for him, right!?

"Hm yes, and I would have loved to drop and pick you up from college If not for my busy schedule" God. I practically blushed!...resulting in my parents smiling at my expressions. Appa's face had a smile that reflected in the mirror and mom was gleaming that I noticed from the corner of my eyes.

"That's okay nga, work is important I can understand.." I said as I thought about his words. "Indeed.." he trailed off and suddenly snapped at someone. "Where the hell were you all these days!" I held my breath as his voice became louder and angrier.

A familiar voice grazed over my ears from his side, but as it was a little faded I couldn't figure out whose voice it was precisely.

"I will catch up with you later." He said and the call was disconnected. Oh..he can be surely terrifying...I swear, If he ever snaps at me with that thunderous and furious tone, I would be shortly seen fainted on the floor or else on the hospital bed.

Yes. His voice appeared threatening to that extent!!!



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