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I couldn't sleep!


Because whenever I close my eyes, all I could see is that ghost from the movie 'The curse of Lalorona'. Oh no. This ghost scares me more than that Veer does.

Ah, idiot Veer. He apologized to me for the disgusting stunt he pulled on me and confessed that he wouldn't attempt something like that again. But I didn't accept his apology. I never will. Anyways, I was kind of relieved after knowing that he wouldn't do the same in the future.

Back to the current scenario!

I blanketed myself completely and began to chant some mantras of god to shoo those ghosts away. However, I couldn't find any difference even after praying.

Deliberately, I peeked out of my blanket and found my husband still seated on the couch. He seemed to be in deep thoughts.

His both hands were clasped together between his splayed knees, elbows resting a bit upwards from his kneecap as he looked ever so serious, thinking about god knows what.

"Ennanga.." I called in a low tone, gaining his attention instantly. He raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner. "Come here" I slightly nod my head for him to reach near me.

As per my wish, he stood up but then strolled towards the switchboard and turned off the lights! Nooo.
I heaved the blanket up to my face in fear and sighed shakily.

Soon, I felt my hubby beside me and I didn't perish a second to crush myself against him. My half body laid on top of him and I sloped my head on his chest as I covered him with the cloak till his neck.

His hands slowly came inside the blanket and wrapped around my shoulder, rubbing circles on the bare skin on the base of my neck.

Oops...I'm getting turned on.

Lust overtook my fear as I trailed out a soft moan, reacting to his touch. He quit circling his finger around. Why Mr. Rudra Dev!!?

Frustrated due to his ceased actions, I took the whole control of the situation.

How much longer would he hold back?

I stretched my hands towards his face and felt his skin under my fingertips. His skin was hard, added to it were his stubbles.

While I continued to trace his tip of the nose, down to his lips, his jaw...he remained unbothered. I got angry and without a second thought, I brought my hand down and stroked his monster over his shorts.

"Yazhini, not now" he held my wrist and placed it back on his chest. I huffed, disappointed by his rejection.

"Ponga" (just go) I said, faking resentment and facing the other side, creating some gap between our bodies. A while later, I felt his hands draping around my waist, his face nuzzling against my neck, as he spotted a light kiss on there.

"Good night wifey," he said huskily in my ear, which forced my lips to curve up into a smile. "Good night hubby" I replied and shut my eyes, waiting for sleep to embrace me.

The next morning, I woke up to my husband's calling. He was in his professional outfit, ready to leave the house. Oh god! How does he manage to come out of slumber so early!

"First brush, then take a shower, and have your breakfast on time okay?" He asked as he walked around to my side on the bed and bent to my face level.

"Okay..." I nodded my head, peeking into his eyes. "Don't hesitate to share anything with me Yazhini, I'm always here for you" he said, cupping my cheeks. Confusedly, I stared at his rough features. Why is he speaking like that?

When I didn't respond to his words, he smiled faintly and rubbed his nose with mine. As every time, it didn't fail to bring a smile to my countenance.

I love him...

Quickly, I brushed my teeth and went downstairs along with my hubby to have breakfast. Everyone was present in the dining area except that dumbhead Veer.

"Where is Veer?" My hubby questioned while reclining on the dining chair. "He was here a moment ago..." My mother-in-law trailed off. "I saw him at the veranda" the home cook, who was dispersing food to us stated.

"What is he doing there...Yazhini ma, call him inside to have breakfast" why me!! Anyways, I can't talk against my mother-in-law though, she might think I'm being rude.

"Okay, ma..", obliging, I got up and wandered out of the house. But Veer wasn't on the patio. Where did that idiot go! Perplexed, I shuffled forward and found Veer clicking pictures of my hubby's car?

What now!? Is he trying to copy my hubby's car?

"Brother-in-law!" I called loudly and he snapped his head to glance at me. "Stop calling me that" he glared, making his way towards me after tugging his phone inside his pocket.

"Why!? Aren't you my brother-in-law?" I asked innocently, controlling my laughter as his face twitched in irritation.

"Yazhs..." He dragged my name, coming to a stop in front of me. "Did you forget that I have your confession video, should I show it to my brother Yazhs?" He smirked.

Worry clouded my mind at his vicious words. My heartbeat took velocity in panic. To hide my fear, I masked a blank face. "Come and have breakfast" I asserted plainly and spun to leave.

"You're soon going to be mine Yazhs" I peeped back at him over my shoulder and frowned. "Never.." he chuckled as I said that.

"Life is unpredictable Yazhs, the person who is now beside you, might not be alive the next second..." I shook my head, not giving much heed to his utterances, and passed into the house.

Soon after being done with the meal, I bid bye to my hubby who drove away to his office. I miss him...

Sighing, I settled on the couch on the veranda. "Bye Yazhs" Veer exited the house, walking over to his car. He send me a wink as hopped into his car and drove off.

Thank god, he is going out! Please don't return Veer!!!



Hi guys...How many of you are in inkitt? I'm currently publishing my works there too...
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