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It hasn't been over an hour since my husband vacated from home to his office. He had that lovely smile dancing on his lips while he had brushed his nose with mine before setting off in his car.

Yet I missed him. I felt a strong urge to talk to him. But when I did contact him, I was left with no response from his side.

I tried several times, but still, he didn't attend the call. Perhaps, he was busy? I had thought so.

I would have been happy If it was the actual truth. I would have steadied my heart by saying he would contact me soon after he gets off his tight schedule.

But... how wrong was I? How cruel the reality is.

I hadn't had the slightest idea that I would be crying my life out today, sitting outside the Emergency room, whereas my husband struggles between the line of life and death.

My mother-in-law had yelled the bad news of him being met with an accident, her lips barring sounds of mourning for her son.

It took me a few seconds to absorb what she had said.

Heartbreak- It's used and detected just as a metaphor in poetry. I had always speculated that it was an overrated phrase to depict the dramatic despair of love.

Now I was proved wrong. Utterly wrong. It's legitimate. The breaking apart of heart. I felt that. A sting in my chest, the feeling of someone pulling my heart into two.

A moment I hadn't foreseen approaching. Before I could process anything, burning tears sloped down my cheeks, leaking out of my eyes uncontrollably.

Up to the present time, my eyes are still flooding out tears. I couldn't stop it. My mom had my head leaned on her shoulder, her words of encouragement finding their path inside my ear, still so far away from assuring my heart, or my brain.

I don't know how a few minutes ago the girl who was crying beside her mother had ended up in a hospital bed. I had fallen unconscious?

I can't figure out anything. Why is it happening? I feel lost.

The pace was slow, while I parted my eyelids. "Yazhini ma.." my dad's futile voice rung through my ear.

I tilted my head to gaze at his saddened face. "How is he appa?" I don't remember doctors or nurses, informing us anything about his health to us thus far.

All I can recollect is him being in a critical condition, as my father-in-law told my parents when they reached the hospital.

"Appa.." I tugged at his hands, my lips curving downward as I resisted sobbing. "Doctors are still diagnosing him ma, he will be alright!" Dad patted my head soothingly.

Despite hearing those appeasing words, my gut was reluctant in cooling down. I left my dad's hand and prompted myself to sit up on the bed.

Someone pushed the door open at that moment. It was Veer. His face displayed nothing, no emotions.

"Anna (elder brother) is safe.." He announced. As a result of such relieving words, a sigh of peace left my lips.

I tried to get down from the bed hurriedly from my free standpoint and due to my recklessness, my head felt dizzy. That being the factor, I was about to lose my balance and fall to the ground. But Veer was quick to catch me.

"Yazhini ma!!! I'll call the doctor" I heed to my dad's panicked voice while I stayed numb on Veer's hold. He gently laid me back on the bed.

"I'm sorry.." Veer's apology was the last thing I heard before my mind went blank, drowning me in silence for yet another moment.

After a prolonged period, I was awake again. This time, I felt quite stable and the lightheadedness was vanishing away deliberately.

I was met with Veer, mom, and dad as I roamed my eyes around the room. They all looked devastated.

"Amma..." My mom ran to me. "He is alright right?...shall I see him now?" She shook her head. "He is still in the ICU" her eyes were flowing out with tears as she said that.

"Ma ?"

"But I want to see him"


I pleaded desperately. She stayed silent.

"Appa?" I glanced at him, his eyes were shot with horror. I had never seen him in such a state.

Also, he didn't reply to me.

Hoping to get any response, I glimpsed at Veer who was seated on the couch to my left side, beside my dad. "Veer? He is okay right?" He lifted his head to stare into my eyes.


"But what?" I frowned at him. My mom held my hands tightly from the right side while I fixed my whole attention on Veer.

"Doctor said that, during the accident, his head sustained huge damage which as a result, had injured his optic nerves...

My brows creased further. He paused to look at my mom just then...

"What happened to him.."

I whispered, staring at my mom. My heart thudded furiously beneath my chest as she spoke.

"He had gone blind....he can't see......."



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