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Veer is dancing like a freak, he had a raven band tied around his head and his hair was havoc, still managing to look ever so attractive while he submerge himself into dancing.

How do these people dance like this without feeling awkward?

I would be having a panic seizure If someone asked me to dance between these much of people, ignore the fact whether I knew them or not, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing something like that.

But I enjoy watching people dance though, even when my brain mocks me of how terrified I would be If I was in their shoes hm...

A slight gasp tumble out of my mouth inaudibly when I felt that creepy guy's arms touching my body, I ain't stupid to take it as an innocent touch and it's plainly not an accident either.

Terrified, I lifted from my seat to call my only friends for my salvation, who was settled in the seat that was right in front of me. And of course, Diya was near Aarav leaving me alone, I don't even have to look to confirm it.

All my peace shattered into pieces as I saw both of them cuddling with each other and seemed to be in deep sleep.
How could they sleep amidst this earth-shattering song!!? And who would save me now from this idiot beside me!?

Probably, they would be dancing to a duet song inside their head like in those romantic movies.

"Oii!" My silly Veer!

His gaze lingered on my anxious face for a second before I pointed my finger to the creepy fellow trying to reach out and touch me.

As soon as I let him know about the unknown guy, the disco lights were turned to complete blue and red, the speaker shortly singing out an extremely flirty song...

Ew...I get an uneasy feeling whenever I heed to this kind of song. But no offense to the one who loves to listen to it.

It's just not my sort of type.

Coming to the current situation, I couldn't see what was happening around me in an adequate insight due to the dim lights.

What did I get myself into god!

Once again, I sat back on my seat quietly without acknowledging anything and hugged my arms around my waist, snuggling away as much as I could from that creepy guy.

I feel like crying.

Don't ask me why.

Possibly, cause I'm an emotional fool and overly sensitive person with an always zipped-up mouth. I know most people don't like this kind of personality but this is me...I got to like me whatever it would cost.

Self-love is important and should be given priority!

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder which made me scream in fear yet no sound was gushed out from my mouth as I felt someone covering my lips.

Even If I were to scream, I'm sure people would think that I'm enjoying the tour and would start screaming along with me rather than understanding the background of my crisis and aiding me out.


"It's me, Veer" oh my Veer! I recognized his voice instantly. I felt my whole being relax upon realizing his presence beside me.

"Thank you...I was so scared" I muttered in the dark staring at his face in the low glow of disco lights.

"Don't be anymore, the jerk has been hauled away from you....my yazhs you are safe now" I nodded my head with an irresistible smile adorning my lips, while my heart glimmered at his 'my yazhs' reference.

God, I'm falling for him, my savior.

I know it's so silly of me to think of him as my savior for just lending me an umbrella. But imagine someone helping you out with the most required thing in a desperate time... that human will always have a special place in our heart.

At least that's how my heart works. The tiniest things matter the most to me.

And now after he redeemed me from that creep, I am more than inclined to love him.

Maybe I already was loving him?

My Veer...



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