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My hubby placed a kiss on my forehead, as I stood at the stairs on the veranda, sending him off to his office. I requested him to stay back, but he convinced me by saying that he has an important meeting to attend, which he had postponed due to our travel to the village.

Understanding his words, I reluctantly agreed to his decision.

He nuzzled his nose with mine, making both of us smile before he strode towards his car. As he entered in and sat back, the lack of our nearness affected my already spoiled mood due to Veer. "Take care wifey!" While driving off, he waved his hand at me with a gentle look. I did the same and sighed in sadness.

"What a caring husband you have got.." I swirled around to peek at Veer who is wandering in my direction. "Does my brother know about us?" He paused in front of me, his hands secured in his briefs' pocket, as he questioned me with an intense gaze.

"What is there to know about us?" I played oblivion to his query. He smiled slyly, looking at my face. "Seems like you didn't disclose about our relationship to my brother and well, I can show you, If you by chance had forgotten about your past" he lifted his eyebrows suggestively.

"Means?" I frowned glancing at him. Just then, he unlatched his phone from his pocket and swiped across the screen for a few seconds before letting me witness a video of me proposing to him at the canteen. More than fear, I felt angrier as I watched it.

It only has the part where I proposed to him, the remaining appeared to be edited out.

When the video came to an end, he settled the mobile again in his pocket and got closer to me. "Can I show this to my brother? It would likely lead your marriage to decline. So it will be decent If you divorce him now itself and come with me." He smirked, his eyes squinting as he mockingly stared into mine. How dare he say such things!

I know, I messed up my life with my stupidity. But I don't want to show myself vulnerable before his eyes.

Uncomfortable due to our proximity, I stepped back and initiated to converse. "What is your problem Veer?" I asked, my tone unwavering.

"My problem? It's you being married Yazhs!!! Do you know how much I love you and how much it hurts to see you being married to my own brother? You can't even imagine the pain I went through when you informed me that you were married! I accept Yazhs, it's completely my fault when I used you for a petty bet, but I truly was in love with you...I still love you! And I'm extremely sorry for shaming you that day by speaking negligently of you...yet I--I--...swear Yazhs, I didn't mean a thing I had blurted out then" His eyes depicted desperation and I'm utterly surprised by his confession.

Oh god...where is this going!

"No Veer, it doesn't matter anymore whether you love me or not, now I'm married and you should adopt to the factuality. Forget about the past Veer.."He shook his head, smiling bitterly.

"It is not easy as you say so. You are the only one whom I have ever fallen in love with..."I sighed, not knowing If he was telling the truth or if it was another trap of his.


"Veer, let it go. I'm your sister-in-law now." He glared at me. "So what? Divorce him Yazhs! I don't want such relations between us. I want to love you as mine. Not as my sister-in-law. Moreover, you don't even love my brother, it's just his wealth isn't that right?" My heartbeat fastened due to his outburst and the seriousness in his voice.

"No, it isn't Veer. He is my husband and I will love him even If he doesn't have all this richness." I raised my voice a little, peeping straight into his fuming gaze.

"Stop speaking shits! Either you divorce him or I'll make him divorce you. The choice is yours Yazhs." fear engulfed me upon hearing his assertions.

"If I show this to my brother, he will certainly divorce you." He smiled viciously and cleared his throat. "She confessed her love to me in the last year of our college and we were in a relationship even after her graduation. And suddenly, one day she contacted me and informed me that she is married. I was shocked to see, that the person she married was my own brother. Only then did I realize she used me for her benefit and when her eyes found someone more profitable than me, she married you...she is a gold digger...after heeding to this made-up story, him divorcing you is obvious Yazhs! So you better divorce him before I destroy your dignity too!" His words deepened my anxiety.

My eyes welled up as I thought of the situation I'm stuck in.

He caressed my cheeks and rubbed away the tears that fell out of my eyes using his thumb. The feeling of revulsion raised within me and I slapped away his hand abruptly.

"Take your time and think Yazhs" he left, after casting a wink to me.

What does god want from me..? What will I do to overcome this troublesome...I have no idea of what to do henceforth....would my hubby really trust Veer's words? Though I let him know I loved someone and he betrayed me, there's less chance of him trusting me over his brother.

What do I do now...



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