Xi Bao smiled and said, "I'll go to the review class to say hello."

His popularity is the best, and he often attends the review class. On the same day, he brought back a group of students, waving the great unity in his hand to follow Feng Qingxue to buy materials, for fear of falling behind.

Although knowledge is not valued at present, in the perception of Wanglou Brigade, all things are inferior, only reading is high.

There are many educated youths who live well in the Wanglou Brigade and do not want to return to the city. Most of them are female educated youths. There are many people who want to return to the city. Studying, placing hope on the country that Feng Qingxue said will open the college entrance examination, naturally want a complete set of college entrance examination materials.

Chapter 1862 Leaving Home 3

A set of "Self-study Books on Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry" is less than 20 yuan, and other learning materials are also 2 yuan a piece, and some are even a few cents. It is not particularly expensive, and it is not a heavy burden. Most people All can take out.

The wealth of the Wanglou Brigade is evident.

Of course, there are also students who want materials but can't afford it.

Feng Qingxue thought about this and promised them that they could borrow materials from the Lu family to go back and copy a copy for their own use, and also allow people outside the brigade to borrow and copy, which naturally got the gratitude of this type of students.

Before Feng Qingxue packed her luggage, all the dozens of college entrance examination materials were sold, and the funds were quickly returned.

Not only that, the students with bright eyes and bright hearts sent a lot of things to the Lu family afterwards, such as vegetables, dried vegetables, pickles, candies, eggs, etc. They gave the postage, but Feng Qingxue did not ask for it, so they thanked them for this.

Some students who arrived late and did not buy the materials were very embarrassed. They felt that copying was a big project, and they really didn't want to tire their wrists. The most important thing was that copying was prone to errors, and it was not as neat and clean as printing. Besides, they are not Short of money, they begged Feng Qingxue to buy a set for them when she went to Shanghai.

Lu Erxiong had a big mouth and revealed to his friends very early that they were going to play in Shanghai.

A total of 87 students entrusted Feng Qingxue, and they paid not only the materials fee, but also the postage. Some educated youths even ordered two or three sets, saying they would send them to their brothers, sisters or friends at home.

Smart people understand the importance of getting ahead.

Surrounded by a large group of people, Feng Qingxue was helpless, but she also understood that these people were eager for knowledge and the future.

"Write down your name and address. I'll take care of it in Shanghai. If my mother can't buy all the materials before going to the capital, I will ask my friends to help you continue to buy and send it to you. If there is a delay, , don't be angry." She had already made up her mind about the candidates, except for Li Jiaoyang, there was no one else.

Everyone understands and thank you.

"Thank you Comrade Qingxue for your help, we can afford it."

"Yes, wait."

"These materials are really comprehensive and very important, please comrade Qingxue."

"Mrs. Lu Er, thank you, my mother's salted duck eggs are so red and oily, I brought you a basket!"

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