Chapter 1662 Gracefully declined 4

"Thank you uncle and aunt, I'm not being polite, I'm speaking the truth." Wang Zhao was afraid that they would not believe it, so he quickly came up with his own reasons, "I used to lie outside the school to listen to the class secretly, and found that the content of the class was not as good as that of Mama Lin. Teach me the knowledge in private. Moreover, many students spend three days fishing and two days drying the net, and the teachers are not very serious in teaching, so I don't want to go to school. In addition, I am fifteen years old this year, and I will join the army soon. It's time to recruit, although I'm not old enough to recruit, but there is no age limit for recruiting soldiers in the art troupe, I want to try it, and if it doesn't work, I'll find a job next year or go to the mountains and the countryside."

After living in the orphanage for eight years and suffering from the harsh world, Wang Zhao already has his own life plan.

He knew very well that it was better to rely on himself than anyone else.

However, he was very grateful to Lu Jiang for caring about his deceased father's thoughts and being willing to take care of himself. A faint smile appeared on Junxiu's warm face, which was enough for Feng Qingxue to see the Xiaosheng style that landed on the screen in the early 1980s and swept the country.

Now he is a little immature, but when he is an adult, he is elegant and handsome, but a tough guy can be gentle, and he is known as the ever-changing niche.

After Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue heard what Wang Zhao expressed, they liked it a bit more. When they were willing to help, the other party had to rely on themselves, which was especially rare.

"Since you said that, your Uncle Lu and I respect your choice." Feng Qingxue said gently, "If you encounter difficulties in your life, don't be polite to us. Friendship in arms is the deepest feeling in the world. Your Uncle Lu and your father haven't been in contact for fifteen years, but when we heard the news, they were separated from each other. If we don't pay attention to you, how will we face your father in the future?"

Wang Zhao's heart widened and he said softly, "Thank you auntie, I understand, I understand."

"Okay, let's go and see the boys in my family. You can be our guide, let us all know the specific situation of the orphanage, and let your brothers and sisters understand the hardships of life." Feng Qingxue did not forget the purpose of this trip.

Wang Zhao understood as soon as he heard it, "Okay!"

The hardships of life are mainly manifested in the four aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation. There is nothing to say about transportation, and the living situation in the orphanage is not good. The building is still the building before the founding of the People's Republic of China. At the beginning, it accommodated war orphans, of course, some of them were taken by their parents. Abandoned, it was not expanded after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

I have seen the clothes before eating, and they are not visible when they are in the house. When I come out, I can clearly see many children shivering in the cold wind. It's hard to imagine the hardships at the bottom.

Xibao has a lot of knowledge, but it's better, Fubao, Ye Yan and the triplets are silent.

Even the mischievous Er Xiong didn't dare to say a word. He reached out his hand to wrap the scarf around his neck, and touched the warm clothes on his body and the gloves that were tied with woolen ropes and hung around his neck.

"It can't go on like this." Looking at the child whose face was blushing in the wind, Feng Qingxue whispered to Lu Jiang.

Lu Jiang's face already had wrinkles that belonged to his age, tending to be mature and stable, and replied in a low voice, "I understand, I know you want to help your children with food and clothing, I'll think of a way."

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