A flash of light flashed in Feng Qingxue's mind, "Educational youth?"

Only the educated youth came from other places. They had not been here for a long time, and they had no idea about the virtues of Wang Lingzhi's family.

"Yes," Lu Tianzhi nodded, "it's Mo Bai, who is very useless at work, earning two or three work points a day makes his uncle relented. I don't know if it was introduced by someone else or if they saw it on their own. Yes, Mo Bai and Wang Lingzhi are scheduled to get married today. God must think that Wang Lingzhi is too vicious, so it rained heavily on their big day!"

Chapter 1272 Men Go to Women's Home 3

The weather did not affect the progress of the marriage, and several rooms near Wang Lingzhi's house could not escape, so they all got there.

Although everyone rejects Wang Xinlai's house, they are all secretly, how to call them on the surface, how to communicate or how to communicate, but they don't care.

Wang Xinlai's preparations were decent, and sunflower seeds, peanuts and candies were all on the table.

Wang Lingzhi specially wore a new red shirt with a wild flower on her temples, looking beaming.

On the other hand, the groom, Mo Bai, has a thin face and clear eyebrows. He wears a white shirt and a pair of black trousers. He is only 80% new.

However, there was not much joy on Mo Bai's face.

Wang Zhengguo, who is also surnamed Wang, is also the captain, so he came to preside over the wedding of the local peasant's daughter and the educated youth, which has a certain political significance, because the state encourages the educated youth to take root in the countryside.

Miao Fengqin didn't want to come, but Jin Cuihua dragged her to watch the fun.

"How did they get together?" Miao Fengqin asked Jin Cuihua in a low voice.

The two were hiding in the nearby rooms of the Wang family who were watching the excitement. Jin Cuihua whispered, "Haven't you heard of it? It's better than the opera."

"What's going on?" If it can be compared with the drama, the process is not ordinary.

Miao Fengqin was very curious and couldn't help but find out.

Jin Cuihua said in a low voice, "Our brigade has no tradition of spreading family scandals, so the educated youths from other places naturally don't know what Wang Lingzhi and her parents did. In order to integrate into the local community, those educated youths from front and back all worked hard to build a good relationship with us. , so Wang Lingzhi has a very good relationship with Bai Xiaolin, a female educated youth who came earlier."

Wang Lingzhi is very smart. He started by helping Bai Xiaolin, and taught her to do housework hand-in-hand. He often helped her with her work. Wouldn't Bai Xiaolin take care of her? He also gave her the things he brought from Shanghai.

Bai Xiaolin is an educated youth in Shanghai, and his family conditions should be the best among the educated youths in the same batch.

It has only been a few months since I came to the Wanglou Brigade. The Bai family has sent Bai Xiaolin several times. Because Wang Zhengguo has an upright character, all the things sent have been checked and sent to Bai Xiaolin. Wang Lingzhi is not lacking. Follow the dip.

Wang Lingzhi often went to Bai Xiaolin to play, and when she went there, she naturally got to know the educated youth point. They are divided into men and women, and they often go to the toilet in batches. Who would have thought that Wang Lingzhi was in a hurry and went to the toilet in a hurry, and just saw Mo Bai's ass!

Back in the 1960s: The Struggle of the Pampered WifeWhere stories live. Discover now