Chapter 1122 Jin Rui Receives Letters 1

When Zheng Jinrui received the letter, it happened to be noon. He took the letter to the state-run restaurant, ordered an egg noodles, and opened the letter when the egg noodles came. He nearly choked to death on an egg, his eyes were as big as an egg, and his mouth was wide enough to fit a double-yolked egg.

"It turns out that I didn't insist?" He hurriedly swallowed the food in his mouth and read it again in disbelief.

After reading it, Zheng Jinrui, a big man, was so sad that his tears almost fell, especially when he thought that he had not confessed to Chen Xueniang for five years, but just looked at her silently and helped her.

If five years ago, no, let alone five years ago, if you confessed again four years ago, would you be able to embrace the beautiful woman?

At this time, how could he still be in the mood to eat!

However, wasting food is shameful.

Zheng Jinrui devoured a bowl of noodles and swept down his stomach. He jumped up and rushed out of the state-run hotel. He wanted to go to Chen Xueniang to make a confession. He stopped after just a dozen steps.

I'm at work at this time, isn't it troublesome for her to go to her?

Or go to her after get off work!

Zheng Jinrui took a day and a half of leave. Now, most of the units are messing around, and many jobs have stopped, not to mention taking a day and a half of leave.

Although the business of the department store is booming, Zheng Jinrui is a cadre and does not need to sell goods, so he successfully took leave.

Then, he went to the barber shop to have his hair cut, shaved his face, and went to the bathroom to take a shower, and he specially used soap when he took a bath.

So after Chen Xueniang got off work, she saw a neatly dressed Zheng Jinrui at the door of her house. She looked more energetic and clean than usual, just like the groom.

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Xueniang asked.

Zheng Jinrui coughed and touched the watch that he had prepared for a long time in his pocket, "Comrade Chen Xueniang, I have something to tell you, oh, no, I have something I would like to ask you to help with so that I can go in and talk? It's not appropriate to say it at the door. ."

Chen Xueniang didn't receive Feng Qingxue's reply, and she didn't think about it for a while, because Zheng Jinrui came to her house to help many times, and she had no doubt about him. He took out the key and opened the door, "If you have anything, just say it directly. If I can help, it's by definition!"

"You must be able to help!" Zheng Jinrui interfaced.

Chen Xueniang cut, parked the second-hand bicycle she bought at the flea market, and opened the door of the main room, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Zheng Jinrui followed into the house, took out the box containing the watch, and brought his hands to Chen Xueniang.

"What is this?" Chen Xueniang was moved when she saw the words of Capital Department Store printed on the box.

Zheng Jinrui opened the box, revealing the Omega inside, and said solemnly: "Comrade Chen Xueniang, you see, we have known each other for so many years, I know your character, you know how I am, how about being a revolutionary comrade-in-arms for the rest of my life?"

He thought about the sweet words for most of the day, but when the time came, he just said that.

After speaking, I can't wait to bite off my tongue.

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