The words seemed to be waiting for the child to grow up to be filial to him, but Xiao Wu was very happy to hear it. The last son did not live for ten days, and this child pinned all the hopes of his couple. Feng Qingxue said this, but it was more suitable. he means.
  Doesn't waiting for the child to grow up mean that the child can grow up safely? As a dad, it's easy to hear.
  After pushing back again and again, it was Xiao Wu who took the eggs back, and the half-pack of brown sugar that Feng Qingxue told Lu Tianjun to stuff him with.
  After sending off the grateful Xiao Wu, Lu Tianjun locked the door and went back to the house. He couldn't help asking, "Aunt, why did you give him half a bag of brown sugar instead of accepting eggs? Brown sugar is much more expensive than eggs."
  Feng Qingxue patted him Shoulder, "Everyone's life is difficult, and mothers can't get any nutrition at all. Our family's life is better than theirs. If you can help, please help. Most of the people in our Wanglou brigade are very simple. No harm." Even in the mid-1960s, they were too embarrassed to criticize the Lu family.
  Of course there are bad people, but after all, there are many good people. Most of the common people will make noises every day about trivial matters. The bottom line is that it is a poor man, but his heart is really not bad. Got it through.
  Lu Tianjun listened, thoughtful.
  "Go to bed, don't think about it, I have to go to work tomorrow!" Feng Qingxue was highly concentrated when delivering a baby alone for the first time, but now he kept hitting haha, urging Lu Tianjun to rest, and then he washed himself and fell asleep.

Chapter 0263
I don't know if it's because there are few things to do in winter, everyone has cats in winter, and young couples have energy, so they get together to have children in August and September.
  This August and September refers to the lunar calendar.
  Two days after the delivery of Niu Xiuying, Da Mao from the production team next door came to Feng Qingxue, saying that his daughter-in-law was about to give birth. When Feng Qingxue arrived at his house, San Mao, who was two houses away from Da Mao's house, also came over. Said his daughter-in-law was going to give birth.
  Okay, the two of them started on the same day, and they didn't work either.
  Feng Qingxue looked at the situation of Da Mao's daughter-in-law. So far, there has been little movement, and she is still talking and laughing with herself. According to her estimation, it will take at least half a day for the birth canal to fully open, so she asks Da Mao to give her some food. With enough energy, he boiled hot water to prepare, and then passed the two houses in the middle to Sanmao's house, but Sanmao's daughter-in-law couldn't wait, so Feng Qingxue delivered her first.
  Half an hour later, the daughter-in-law of Sanmao gave birth to a daughter, and the face of the mother-in-law suddenly turned down.
  Looking at the baby girl's umbilical cord around her neck, it went around twice, her face was bruised and she was out of breath. Big Mao Niang breathed a sigh of relief, "Since you're out of breath, throw it away, I wasted my ten months of eggs in vain."
  Sanmao's daughter-in-law's tears came out at once.
  "This is a life. Leaders say that women hold up half the sky, and they are not allowed to prioritize boys over girls!" Feng Qingxue glared at them and quickly took the baby girl. It took a lot of effort to save her. It is also because the umbilical cord is not tightly wound. When the fetal heartbeat was checked before, there was a chance to be rescued. If the umbilical cord was wound one more time or the fetal heartbeat was weak, it would be difficult to rescue it.
  The couple of Sanmao hugged the crying girl with gratitude, while the eldest mother went to see the eldest daughter-in-law angrily.
  This side has been cleaned up. There is no sign of birth on Da Mao's side. Feng Qingxue is guarding in front of him. It was not until night that the birth canal opened to ten fingers, and a son was born smoothly. This is the fifth child of Da Mao's daughter-in-law. , two of the first four babies died and two survived.

When she saw her grandson, Da Mao Niang burst into a smile, and she forcibly stuffed a large bowl of pointed white noodles as a thank you gift for Feng Qingxue.
  Three babies were connected within three days. The mother and child or mother and daughter were safe every time. Even the child with the umbilical cord around the neck could be rescued. Feng Qingxue became famous all of a sudden, and many people rushed to give her life for her when she was working. Done.
  After breaking up the corn, it is not finished. The freed land is quickly planted with wheat, and the corn cobs must be threshed regardless of whether they are sun-dried or not.
  The corn kernels are much easier to dry than the corn cobs, and they dry faster.
  Without a thresher, how to thresh?
  All by hand.
  Feng Qingxue was sitting on the field just like everyone else, guarding a pile of corn cobs in groups of three or five. First, he used sharp chopsticks to drill a line from the bottom up on the corn cobs, and then drilled out two rows of corn kernels. A line, this line is the emergence of the corn kernels from the corn cobs, and then the corn kernels on the corn cobs are easily rubbed off.
  Some people use their hands directly, some directly use the soles of their shoes, and some people rub each other with the corn cobs that have rubbed off the corn kernels and the corn cobs that have been drilled through the thread. The golden corn kernels fall off like running water, and finally only There's a bare cob of corn left.
  The sweet potatoes in the summer went down smoothly, the strong laborers went to plant wheat, and the corn rubbing was done by the old and the weak, women and children.
  Many people were sitting on the ground, only Feng Qingxue was sitting on the stool, so as not to oppress the lower abdomen. When others saw her posture, what else could they not understand? Pregnant and non-pregnant women walk and sit differently. Experienced women can tell at a glance.

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