Now that he has obtained the top jewelry from Uncle Xu's friend, Aunt Xu, Feng Qingxue does not hesitate to donate food.
  Anyway, the food in her space is enough for many people to eat for a long time, and it will be better in the 80s and 90s.
  After coming to this era, Feng Qingxue is always glad that she made a decisive decision after getting the space.
  Seeing these things, Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu finally saw Feng Qingxue's methods.
  Those fine and precious things are by no means something that money can get.
  But they were wise not to ask where they came from.
  "Qingxue, these grains, plus the food supplies in the city, will be enough for the old guys for a while, so don't send any more grains in a short period of time, so as not to be targeted by those who care." Aunt Xu instructed.
  Feng Qingxue responded, "Okay, Auntie, I'll try to do it when you need it. Don't starve yourself."
  "Okay, I won't be polite to you." Aunt Xu said.
  After hiding the food and sending Feng Qingxue out, she took out a cloth bag from the box and stuffed it into Feng Qingxue, "Take it."
  "What is this?" Feng Qingxue asked.
  "The food you gave last time, my uncle and I distributed several old friends, how can they take it for nothing? So they picked some things as a thank you gift, they only have these things in their hands, and I can't eat it, and I don't dare to make a move. It really answers the saying, 'There is no food to guard the gold and silver mountains.'"
  Feng Qingxue put it in the basket without looking at it, and left on a bicycle.
  When climbing over the mountains, Feng Qingxue had time to open the cloth bag sent by Aunt Xu.
  There are four small boxes in the cloth bag, the big one is the size of a palm, and the small one is only half the size of a palm. The wooden box is made of good materials, not red sandalwood, or huanghuali, and the last is red rosewood.

Chapter 0043 See and See 3
The materials are so good, the craftsmanship is exquisite, and the things inside are naturally valuable.
  Without exception, all are jewelry.
  Some are better than what Aunt Xu gave, and some are not as good, but none of them are cheap.
  Gold jewelry is very rare, mostly jade jewelry.
  These are the most worthless things on the market right now, Feng Qingxue smiled.
  Gold can be sold to banks, but jadeite jewelry is left untouched.
  Carefully retracted into the space, Feng Qingxue walked home.
  The two sisters had almost finished their gastrointestinal conditioning. She specially brought back a piece of mutton with a big bone. As soon as she took it out of the basket, Feng Qingyun, who was about to say that she liked towels, saw it, and she jumped up in surprise.
  "Sister, is this meat? Is it meat? Is it the meat that my parents secretly gave my eldest brother and second brother to eat?"
  Although she has never eaten it, she has seen it before, and it smells good.
  Feng Qingxue felt sour in her heart.
  The meat the Feng family used to eat was given by the uncle of the Wang family. It is a pity that only the son and grandson of the Feng family can eat meat.
  Not to mention Qingyun, even the original owner of Qingxue couldn't eat it.
  The difference is that Feng Qingxue's living conditions in her childhood were much better than those in the famine years. She could occasionally eat one or two pieces of meat during the festivals, while Feng Qingyun really had no chance to eat meat since she was born.
  "Yes, it's meat, it's mutton." Feng Qingxue's voice was soft, "Sister will cook mutton soup for you." The mutton soup nourishes the stomach.
  "Great, great, eat meat!" Feng Qingyun smiled happily, jumping and jumping.
  She doesn't ask a word about where things came from.
  Feng Qingxue breathed a sigh of relief, she was most afraid of her sister asking endless questions.
  Wash the mutton and cut it into pieces, put it in a crock pot, add enough water, boil it, skim off the foam, and then add some ginger slices.

 Feng Qingyun dabbed his mouth and happily kept the fire in front of the stove, his eyes staring at the crock pot shone brightly.
  The mutton was not cooked yet, and it was raining outside.
  A trace of coolness passed through the doors and windows and penetrated straight into the house.
  Feng Qingxue laughed, "Mutton soup is the best way to ward off cold, Qingyun, you can eat more mutton later." In
  her previous life, when she was a child, she often drank mutton soup throughout the year.
  Feng Qingyun nodded heavily, and after the mutton was out of the pot, she drank a large bowl of soup and ate several pieces of mutton. The taste was so fragrant that she still couldn't get enough of her stomach.
  Feng Qingxue seldom eats meat at night, only a bowl of clear soup and a piece of miscellaneous grain noodles.
  This is because Feng Qingyun lacks nutrients, otherwise she would not stew mutton at night.
  "The rest will be eaten tomorrow. Now that it's cold, it won't go bad."
  Feng Qingxue said so, and Feng Qingyun, who had been staring at the crock pot, reluctantly retracted her gaze.
  After the meal, Feng Qingxue dragged Feng Qingyun around the house to wash and sleep after eating, otherwise she would be uncomfortable sleeping at night after eating so much, "Eat well in the morning, full at noon, and eat at night. less." That's the truth.
  In her sleep, Feng Qingyun still kept smashing her mouth and shouting, "Lamb is delicious!"
  Feng Qingxue couldn't sleep because of what Uncle Wang said over and over again. Hearing this dream talk was both funny and sad. .
  In times of scarcity, everyone is hungry for food.
  She tucked Feng Qingyun's quilt and closed her eyes.
  Her eyes were closed, but she didn't fall asleep.
  She was thinking about Lu Jiang and whether she wanted to meet him.

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