Chapter 113

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Matt's POV: After making breakfast for us and the kids, I smiled because it was not just me and Gabby at the table. That gave me a perfect change to talk to Gabby about what she just told me in the kitchen. Gabby needs to know that she is my world and that I do not want to work if it is just making things harder for her. Looking at our kids as they watched TV, I went to take another bite of my breakfast before going to grab Gabby's hand. Smiling when I did that, she went to intertwine our fingers as we both just sat there together that morning. "So, about what you said in the kitchen..." Gabby sighed when I said that. "How did I know that you would bring this up?"

I sighed when Gabby asked me that. "Because you can't just expect me to not bring it up when I am your husband. Gabby, I love you and I am not just going to let you go through this alone if I can help you. Gabbu, to me about what you told me there." Gabby let out a sigh but (reluctantly) agreed with me when I asked her to do just that. "Yes okay? Yes, I feel like you working at the fire department is holding me back. And it's bringing me back to the end of our last marriage. I wanted to come here...and I wanted you to join me to volunteer Matt. And I know this is hard considering we have kids and we need to support them're gone so much."

I agreed with her when she said that. "And then, whenever they book missions to go into the areas that need the most are working and I don't feel comfortable not being in San Juan in case you get hurt again. I didn't like having to get flown back to Chicago without knowing if you were okay. What if you get hurt again and have to get airlifted to Miami? Yes, it's a lot closer but's another flight that I need to take without knowing if my husband is okay." I got scared when she said that and just felt horrible for her. That is not how I want her to feel here. And for her to feel that way again on a daily basis is horrible. And it's all my fault.

Going to take another bite of my breakfast, I just looked at Gabby and sighed. "Gabby, I am so sorry that's how you feel. I don't want to make you feel that way and I am sorry. You know that right?" Gabby nodded when I asked her that. "Hey, of course I know that babe. I know that you are sorry that I feel that way. However, I just can't help that I feel that way." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Still, you shouldn't have to feel that way. For you to be worrying that much on a daily basis breaks my heart. We came here to reduce your stress, not to add to it." Gabby sighed and agreed with me when I said that because we both knew that was the truth.

Gabby then took a breath and sighed. "Matt, where does that leave us? What does that mean for the future of your career? What does that mean for this?" I sighed when Gabby asked me that because I truly wasn't sure what it did mean for the future. And that freaked me out. I am the one who is providing for our family right now...and for us to not know where the next paycheck would come from is scary. "Gabby, we need to talk about this. We do...." I then took a breath. "But we also have to think about the financial aspects of this." Going to grab her hand, I just held her close to me. "Gabby, I am sorry that is such a big factor whenever we made a decision."

Going to intertwine our fingers, I looked at Gabby and sighed. This was a problem between us and I knew that she's been feeling this way...I could see it in her eyes that she has been. "Gabby, can I ask you how long you have felt this way?" Gabby sighed as she looked at me. "Maybe a month. Last month, one of my co-workers had to be airlifted from the field to the hospital. Her husband was there already and went with her. I guess I am just scared...would they be able to tell you right away? Or would you have to wait to be told until after a fire? How would you feel about that. And then the same goes for me...what if you are injured again Matt?" I agreed.

"Gabby, I am so sorry that you have felt this way. Listen, we can talk about this okay? Gabby, I want to remind you that I am here for you. You are my wife and there is nothing more important to me than our family. I will do anything for our family, if anything can prove it...I hope that us moving our family here is a great example of the fact that I truly will go the extra mile to make sure that we are happy. Gabby, I love you more than my job...and I always will." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. She then went to tear up a bit. "I am just sorry that I am making you choose between me or your dream job." I shook my head when she said that.

"Gabby, my dream job is to be your husband and the kids''s not being a fire captain. I hope that by now, you know that. Gabby, I'm scared out of my mind every time I walk out those doors. I question whether I am going to see you guys again every time." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Matt, I can't ask you to do this. And I don't want you to rush it. This is a big decision and we need to talk about it more. I am just glad I finally had the guts to tell you. I have been scared to do so for a while now." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Listen, I am here for you and I am going to do whatever to make sure this is our dream."

Gabby smiled when I said that. "So, what does that mean?" I smiled when she asked me that. "Gabby, I think we both know what that means. I already quit the CFD for you...I think it's just fair that I have to quit firefighting for good. Anyways, I hate saying this's not the same here. The honest truth is that...I have been thinking of quitting anyways." Gabby looked at me when I said that. "You have?" I nodded when she asked me that and smiled at her. "Yeah. It's not the same here. Sure, I am still fighting fires's not the same as when I was in Chicago. I'm not doing it with our friends. I don't feel the family vibe here, they are all so secluded there."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Then Matt, that is not the place you want to be. You must be miserable there." I nodded when she said that. "I am. It just feels awkward there." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Well then, I think we both know what you are doing. Go make the call and I will clean up babe. And then, we can get you a paid job at the charity Matt. Or are you going to do one last shift with them?" I bit my lip when she asked me that. "No, I would rather start working with you every day." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "I think I can go out more if you aren't on shift." I smiled and agreed with her.

"You mean we can go out. I am going to go out with you." Gabby smiled when I said that and just agreed with me. Going to rub my wedding band, she leaned over and kissed me softly. "You are going to get a treat tonight after you take me out to dinner." I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. "That sounds like fun....and yes we are going out to dinner. We need to do that." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that, ready to have a great day with me and the kids as we both went to finish our breakfasts that morning ahead of our family trip to the beach.

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