Chapter 22

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Back next door with the Caseys:
Matt's POV: As I stand in the kitchen while getting some drinks out, I smiled when I saw my sister walk over to me with Noah in her arms. "Let me guess, he's drooling?" Christie laughed when I asked her that. "Yeah. By the way, what's with Antonio telling me that he has to talk to me later? You have any intel?" I nodded. "We are actually going to talk about it as a family soon. It's complicated. By the way, where's Violet?" Christie sighed. "Jim's place. His mom is not doing good." I just got worried when she said that. "Oh lord, I am so sorry Christie. Send my best."

Christie nodded when I said that before watching as Noah started to look at me. "Hey little man, you looking at daddy? You want him to hold you in his arms?" My sister laughed when I said that and just went to give him to me. Picking him up, I smiled as I went to grab his blanket from Christie before putting it over my shoulder. I then went to kiss the side of his head and smiled. "Hey, do you mind getting the drinks out for us? I was doing it when this guy wanted daddy." Going to kiss his head, I smiled at Noah. Noah just cuddled up to me when I said that.

Smiling, I went to kiss the top of his head as I just help him close. That's when I heard a knock on the door and realized it was Jay and Erin. "Everybody is holding a kid right?" Gabby turned to look at me when I said that. "Why?" I sighed and looked at her. "I think they brought their dog remember?" Gabby nodded when I said that. "Yeah, for his PTSD." I agreed with her. "It's close to 19 years so...I didn't know how he was. And since he's out..." Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "It's fine Matt, you made the right move telling him that he can bring him along." I smiled.

"Okay, I am going to go let them in." Going to leave the kitchen with Noah, I smiled as I rubbed his back. "Yeah, let's go see some of daddy's friends. Does that sound like fun little man?" I then went to kiss the side of his head and just smiled as I held him close to me. Going to kiss the side of his head again, I smiled when I walked up to the door and then went to open it. Seeing Jay and Erin there, I just smiled. "That was fast." Jay just laughed when I said that. "May I remind you that we live next door." Watching him walk in with Roxy, I smiled at Jay. "Can I?"

Jay nodded when I asked him. Going to bend down, I went to rub Roxy's head. "Hey girl. You be a good girl today okay? No hurting the babies." I then looked up at Jay. "She hurts one of my kids...I don't care if you have PTSD. The dog leaves. Got it!" Jay gulped and agreed with me when I said that. "Of course Matt." Going to walk away, I smiled because that was the truth. Walking into the living room, I saw Gabby smiling at me. "What you said back there is true." I nodded and smiled as I just went to rub Noah's back. "Also, go wash your hands guys!"

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Hey Matt, how about we move this down into the basement now that they are here? We have that pool table that you guys can play." I smiled when she said that. "I am okay for now. Maybe when the kids are taking a nap, the guys can go downstairs while the girls stay up here?" Gabby smiled and agreed with me when Jay decided to put his two cents in. "That sounds great. Might allow us to talk about how I am doing." I looked at him when he said that before going to sits on the couch. "Yeah, I was going to ask you that."

That's when I started to hear Noah start to cry a bit. Gabby then looked at me and sighed. "It's time for him to have a bottle." I nodded and agreed with Gabby. I was about to get up when Antonio stopped me. "I got it man." He then proceeded to give Matteo to Gabby since he was holding him. "Here Gabby, take your other Matt so that you can feed him." Gabby then smiled at me before going to undo her blouse that she was wearing. "Tease!" Gabby just laughed and smiled at me, going to grab Matteo from Antonio. "Hey buddy, you want some milk?"

I just smiled when she did that. "I am going to feed Noah then with a bottle. However, you want to move downstairs first or are we staying here?" Gabby shook her head,. "Not yet. I want to talk to Jay about it too. How are you doing Jay?" Jay sighed when Gabby asked him that. "Not that good. In fact, we were thinking that Chicago might not be our home for much longer." I looked at him when he said that. "Really? What a coincidence...we were thinking the same thing." Coming back to the living room with a bottle, Antonio smiled at me. "I may have planted the seeds."

Jay just smiled as he came to sit down. "Where are you guys moving?" I smiled when he asked me that. "We are moving to Puerto Rico in the new year. Gabby is not doing the best here. I don't want her to suffer here if she doesn't have to." Gabby smiled and blushed when I said that. "Keep talking like that and we may have to postpone the bath until tomorrow morning." I nodded and agreed with her. "By the way Antonio, you put the order in yet? You know for the Chinese?" Antonio nodded and smiled when I asked him that. "My kids are going to pick it up."

Camila started to get excited when she heard that. "You mean...I am finally going to have all of my grandkids in the same house for the first time?" Antonio smiled and agreed with her. "Yes mom. By the way, let's leave the PTSD talk to later when your kids are asleep. We are staying for a while because we are going to do movie night. Sorry but, I need more time with my niece and nephew." Gabby nodded and agreed with Antonio when he said that. "Matt, are you okay with them staying longer?" I nodded and smiled when she asked me that. "I love the idea."

Watching as Roxy sat down next to Jay, I smiled at her. "Good girl." Jay smiled when I said that before going to scratch her head. "Yeah, she is a good girl." I smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "So, talk to us man...what's going on with your PTSD?" Jay sighed when I asked him that before going to fill us in on exactly what's been going on with his PTSD lately.

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