Chapter 21

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After taking a shower, when Erin comes downstairs:
Erin's POV: As I come downstairs after my shower, I hear that things are pretty quiet. And honestly, this is just weird considering Jay is normally pretty loud when Roxy is down here. That's when I noticed that Roxy was still outside while Jay was on the couch with his head in his hands. Going to walk over to the patio door, I decided to let Roxy in before going to see Jay since I had a feeling that he might need to both of us right now. Pointing her in Jay's direction, Roxy just ran to the living room right away so that she could help him with some of his PTSD. 

Once that was done, I went to join them both in the living room. "Hey, you okay?" Jay then bit his lip when I asked him that and just sighed. "Yeah, it happened again." I agreed with him and just sighed. "Afghanistan?" Jay agreed with me when I asked him that before sighing. "That city." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. I already knew exactly what he meant when he said that. While he was there, there was a city that was blown up by the Taliban. Hundreds of kids died...and it has just been trouble for him ever since. Me being pregnant has been hard.

Moving to sit on Jay's lap, I moved my hand to the back of his head and started to run my fingers through his hair while kissing his forehead. "Jay, when is the next support group for PTSD?" Jay bit his lip when I asked him that. "Tonight at 7 over Zoom." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "Jay, you want me to be there with you? We can sit in bed and you can attend the meeting okay? I want you to go tonight." Jay nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Looking up at me, I could just see that Jay was not doing the best here. His eyes were dark.

"Jay, just breathe and listen to my voice okay?" Jay nodded when I asked him to do that. I then proceeded to kiss his neck softly, holding him close to me so that I could give him a bit of comfort. Jay smiled when I did that and started to really enjoy it. This is what he needed right now and I needed him to take care of himself. "Jay, I am here for you okay? I am your wife, I love you and we are in this together...I promise." Jay nodded when I said that before going to grab my hand. "Jay, you need to tell Hank that you are struggling more than he knows. You need help."

Jay nodded when I said that because we both knew it was true. Turning his head, I went to look into his eyes and just sighed before bending down and kissing him softly. "Jay, talk to me babe. Tell me how I can help you. Tell me where I can help you. Jay, I need you to be okay. I'm worried." Jay nodded when I said that and just took at breath. "I am not doing as good as I want to be doing here Erin. That is the truth." I nodded when he said that. "Erin, I was 19 years old when I enlisted in the US Army." I nodded when he said that. "It's been 19 years since 9/11."

Hearing him say that made me realize why this was hard for him. I didn't really understand why 2020 would be hard for him (other than COVID) because it's not the 20th anniversary. But, it all makes sense now. "Jay, I am so sorry. Why didn't you tell me this?" Jay then bit his lip. "I'm sorry Erin, it's just taking me more time than I would like to open up to you. I hate it. I hate that I haven't completely opened up to know that right?" I nodded when he said that. "Hey, take a breath and relax. I know that Jay, I know that you have a hard time opening up to me."

Jay nodded when I said that. "You know that I don't want that to be the case right? Please tell me that you believe me when I say that I want to be able to open up to you Erin. I don't want to lie and hide this from you." I agreed with him. "Jay, take a breath and remember that I am here for you and that I love you. You are my husband, you are the father of our children and you are the love of my life. Jay, you need to relax and just let me be here for you okay? Let me in and talk to me babe." Jay nodded and agreed with me as I felt him wrap his arm around me more.

Putting his hand on my leg, Jay just rubbed my knee while I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Jay, I love you and I am here for you...whatever you need okay?" Jay nodded and agreed with me when I said that before sighing as we just held each other close. "Listen, let's go be with our friends okay? Just do some breathing for me and I am going to get us our water bottles." Going to get up, I went to walk over to the kitchen. "You know that I appreciate how understanding and patient you have been with me right Erin?" I nodded when he said that. "Of course Jay."

Going to walk over to our kitchen, I went to grab our water bottles and then proceeded to fill them up. "How about you get Roxy ready to go?" That's when I felt Jay come to walk up behind me. "After I do this." Putting his hands on my hips, Jay started to kiss my neck from behind as well as my shoulder. I smiled when he did that before turning around in his arms and going to kiss him softly. "Keep it appropriate." Jay nodded and agreed with me when I said that, stepping close to me before going to kiss me one last time. "Let's go okay? Friend time."

I nodded and agreed with Jay when he said that before going to fill up our water bottles. Once that was done, I went to give Jay his water bottle while also grabbing mine. Going to grab my hand, Jay intertwined our fingers and smiled at me. "We are going to bring Roxy right." I nodded and agreed with him. "Grab her water bowl and bed okay? She can eat here." Jay nodded and agreed with me before walking over to her bowls. Going to grab her water bowl, he quickly went to dump it in the sink while I went to go grab her bed. Leaning over, I smiled as I grabbed it.

However, Jay didn't like that. "Erin!" Going to pick it up, I looked at him while he walked over to me. "I did it, I'm fine." I then went to give him the bed and he smiled at me. "Then let's go. I know that if I say anything else, I am going to be in trouble with you." I laughed when he said that and just went to grab his hand. Intertwining our fingers, I watched him grab Roxy's leach. "Roxy. Here girl." Roxy then got up and walked over to the both of us. "Stay, down girl." Roxy then just went to sit down. Attaching her leach to her vest, Jay smiled as we went to leave the house.

Walking out the front door together, I smiled as me and Jay prepared to make our way to Matt and Gabby's place with Roxy so that we could hang out with our friends.

New Beginnings Season 2: Raising our Family (ABANDONED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora