Chapter 43

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished getting the groceries, I smiled as I carried them out for her while she pushed the stroller. "You sure that you are good with all the bags Matt?" I nodded when Gabby asked me that. "Yes, I am fine babe. I promise okay? I would tell if I wasn't." Gabby smiled when I said that before just laughing. "No, no you wouldn't." I shrugged and laughed because I knew that was the truth. Walking up to our van, I smiled when Gabby went to go unlock it (I gave her the keys ahead of time) and go open the back for me. "Uhm, groceries...we putting them back here or is this where the stroller is going to go?" I then thought about that and bit my lip. "Let me set the groceries down and we will figure it out okay?" Gabby nodded.

Going to set the groceries down, I smiled at Gabby before just making sure that they wouldn't move under the stroller. I then proceeded to walk over to the kids and smiled when I saw that they were awake. "You want to put the kids in the very back? Or do you want me to do that?" Gabby smiled and nodded. "You can do it one handed somehow." I laughed and smiled. "I practiced before the kids were born, that's why." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Going to grab the boys, I smiled as I went to go pick them up and then got into the back of the van. Walking to the back seat, I smiled as I proceeded to go set them down in their seats. I then turned to look at Gabby and smiled (again), going to help her with the girls next. 

Once all the kids were in the van, I walked back over to Gabby so that I could help with the groceries. "So, what exactly are you making me tonight?" I laughed when she asked me that. "Like I said when we were inside, it's a surprise. Gabby, please just let me surprise you." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. Wrapping her arm around me, she went to kiss me softly. Going to put my hand on her butt, I smiled as we took it slow with each other. Why I normally wouldn't do this here with Gabby...I pretty much just gave up recently on trying to hold back. I loved Gabby and I was always going to show her did. She and the kids are my world and she knows that I can't resist her...which is why I am sure that our abstinence may not stick very long.

Going to grab some more of the groceries, I smiled as I went to go put them in the back of the van. That's when I saw some clothes that Gabby bought and I couldn't help but look into the bag and see some lingerie. Just turning to look at her, I smirked. "Oh that sex rule is SO gone tonight." Gabby laughed when I said that before going to push me away a bit. "God, you are crazy when it comes to sex." I nodded and smiled when she said that before going to grab some more of the bags. Going to put them down in the back of the van, I just smiled at her. "This is nice you know? Us laughing like this is exactly what I want for us." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Same here." Going to wrap my arm around her, I moved to kiss her head.

Gabby then looked up at me and smiled. "I didn't want to say this but...I think that is what we were missing at the end of our last marriage. After you got promoted to Captain, it was like things just changed..." I nodded when she said that and started to realize something. "Are you worried that's going to be the case after I become Battalion Chief?" Gabby went to grab my hand when I asked her that and sighed. "Maybe we can talk tonight? When we get home, I am going to pump and you can start cooking." I nodded and agreed with her before getting close to her and going to wrap my arms around her. "Gabby, listen to me okay? Me becoming Battalion Chief WILL NOT change anything between us. I pushed my start date back to next year for a reason!"

Gabby nodded and just went to hug me. Wrapping my arms around her tight, I kissed the top of her head and just sighed. Putting my hand son her neck, I went to push her head up and smiled before going to kiss her softly. "You and the kids will ALWAYS be my priority okay Gabby? I promise right now that is not something you will EVER have to worry about. You and the kids are on my mind every single second, of every single day. I promise okay Gabby?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. I then smiled at her. "And I am going to show you that when we are home. Let's put the groceries away....then we can start our date early? How about we get cozy in bed and I can concentrate all of my attention on you today? That what you want?"

Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I asked her that. Stepping close to me, she went to put her hands on my chest and just started to take it slow with me. Putting my hands on her neck, I smiled because this was exactly what I wanted to be doing right now. Breaking the kiss, I smiled at Gabby while going to wrap my arms around her again. Kissing her forehead, I just smiled while cuddling up to let. "Listen, let's get going okay? Let's go home, get unpacked and then we can go relax in bed? How does that sound?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "Oh and one more thing...that lingerie goes on the minute we get home." Gabby laughed agreed, smiling as she went to go get in her seat. Meanwhile, I finished packing us up so that I could drive us home.

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