Chapter 60

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2 hours later (post-lunch) when they are back at home:
Matt's POV: As I walk into the master ensuite of me and Gabby's home, I just took a breath and sighed. Me and Gabby agreed that it was best for us to send the kids' to her mom's place for the weekend so that we can just take some time together. We have had a hard day and I think it's what we need. Looking at Gabby as she stood in front of the mirror, I just smiled at the sight of her in lingerie. We need something to distract us and this was ideal. "Now this is something I like." Gabby nodded and just sighed as she turned around so that she could look at me. "Hey, you okay?"

Walking up to her, I could tell that it wasn't. Going to put my hand on her neck, I tried to reassure Gabby that I was here for her. "I just feel guilty asking my mom to take the kids." I shook my head when she said that. "I already talked to her and your brother. They both said that it's what we need. Babe, this is very stressful and we both need to relax right now. We need time together where we can just concentrate on each other. Gabby, believe me when I say this...this is the right thing to do. I have no doubts about that." Gabby nodded and agreed with me, going to kiss me.

Wrapping my arms around her, I held Gabby close to me because I wanted her to feel safe in my arms. Bending down, I went to kiss her and just smiled as I took it slow with her while we stood close to one another. "I am going to take you to bed." Gabby nodded and agreed with me as I went to pick her up in my arms. Wrapping her legs around my waist, I smiled as I went to grab her back before setting her down on the edge of the counter. "First time in here since I found out we are having a baby." Gabby smiled and agreed with me, putting her hands on my chest.

"What do you want?" I smiled when Gabby asked me that. "I want another girl. I know that is the typical dad answer but..I mean it. I actually don't mind all the pink." Gabby laughed and agreed with me when I said that. Holding her close to me, I went to pick her up in my arms and smiled as I put my hands on her back. Going to undo her bra, I smiled as I went to carry her to bed. "However, what do you say right let me concentrate all of my love and attention on you Gabby? Let me change your mind." Gabby smiled and agreed with me. "Sounds perfect."

Carrying Gabby to bed, I smiled as I left some kisses on her shoulder. "Maybe we can just rest for a bit. I know that's a lot to ask but..." I shook my head as I just carried Gabby towards our bed. "It's not a lot to ask babe. You are tired and you have a lot on your mind. You need rest, then you are going to get rest. I can hold you in my arms and we can just rest okay? That is not a problem." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that, obviously loving that I was okay with us just resting in bed for a while. But the truth was that I needed it too, we both have a lot on our minds.

Walking right up to our bed, I smiled as I went to open the covers and just sat up with Gabby in my lap. Putting her hands on my chest, Gabby looked into my eyes and smiled at me while I put my hands on her back. Kissing me softly, Gabby smiled as she took it slow with me. I could tell that she was hormonal and we wanted to rest by just taking it slow with each other in bed. If that is what she needs right now, then I was not going to disappoint. Going to lay back in bed, I put my hands on her hips and smiled as I watched Gabby hover over me and kiss me slowly in bed.

Moving to roll over, I smiled because I wanted to be on top of Gabby. Breaking the kiss, Gabby smirked as she got in bed before me so that she could get comfortable before taking off her bra. While I wanted to do it for her, I was not going to complain that it was already off. God, my wife is so sexy and I definitely am going to help her relax today. She was the only thing on my mind right now. Whatever she needs from me, she is going to get because she is my priority. I just hope that she isn't mad at me. But based on what we are about to do, I don't think she is.

Rolling over onto her side, Gabby went to remind me that we are resting in bed rather than getting intimate with each other. Gabby needs to rest right now and I was going to let her do just that. But that doesn't mean I am not going to try and get in bed with her later. Gabby is really turning me on right now and I definitely want her. Climbing into bed with her, I smiled as I went to get close to her from behind. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I put my hand on the baby. Feeling my hand on her stomach, Gabby smiled because she must love the feeling. "Excited?"

Putting her hand on mine, Gabby stroke it with her thumb. "I am ecstatic. Gabby, I love being the kids' dad...and I am going to love being this little one's dad too." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "And you aren't mad that I made you quit? I am just sorry but..." I shook my head and then went to roll her over to that I was leaning over her. "Hey, you listen to me okay?" Gabby nodded when I said that and just looked up into my eyes. "The most important thing to me in this life is you and the well as your safety. Never doubt that okay Gabby?"

Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that and just smiled at me as she moved to kiss me softly

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Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that and just smiled at me as she moved to kiss me softly. Taking it slow with her, I was so glad that we were home because this is really where I wanted to be. And sure, we didn't have the kids with us right now...but I think that's for the best. Right now, Gabby needs me alone and who knew where this was going to lead us. If Gabby wants me to just take her in my arms and make love to her...then I am going to do just that. Whatever she needs for her to be able to relax. Gabby can't be this stressed for our baby.

Taking it slow with her, I knew what Gabby wanted but...I wasn't going to force myself on her. However, the same couldn't be said for Gabby. Going to move her hand to my boxers, Gabby smiled as she made it crystal clear what she wanted. "Matt, not! I need a distraction." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that, smiling as I went to go play with her sexy underwear. Taking them off, I went to do the same with her bra. Throwing it onto the ground, I smiled at her while feeling my boxers all onto the ground as well. God, she is good at that.

Getting on top of Gabby, I smiled as I felt Gabby move her hand to my back while I leaned down to kiss her softly

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Getting on top of Gabby, I smiled as I felt Gabby move her hand to my back while I leaned down to kiss her softly. Gabby is the love of my life and nothing is more important to me in life than her and our kids. She is the love of my life and there is nobody I would rather have kids with. Taking it slow with her, I knew that this was exactly what Gabby needed right now. Heck, I would be doing this even if the kids were here and just resting in their nurseries upstairs. Gabby needs me, and that is always going to come first. I am her husband and I love her more than anything.

And I think it's time for me to show her that by surprising her with a honeymoon. Heck, maybe Chicago shouldn't even be our home anymore. Gabby is so stressed here that it breaks my heart how stressed she is. Gabby needs to be happy where she lives...and she needs me and our kids with her. I am definitely going to talk to her about this but...I don't think I can call Chicago home anymore, not when Gabby is so miserable. As much as I love Chicago, I can't love this city anymore when it is making my wife...the love of my life and the mother of my children unhappy.

And even worse, this is not the first time that this city has been doing this to Gabby. Maybe this can be our new sign that shows me that we need to move to Puerto Rico. God, she is going to think I am crazy...and honestly, I am crazy. I am crazy in love with her and I am going to do whatever I need to do so that Gabby is happy. I love her and she needs to know that. If she needs to leave, then we are going to do just that. We are going to leave our life here behind and go start a new life with our kids in Puerto Rico, if that's what she wants...and I think it truly is.

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