Chapter 109

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Jay's POV:
Once me and Erin made our way to the hotel and checked-in to our room, I smiled as I finished setting up Roxy's bed and bowls so that she could relax. Going to pet her, I smiled and just let her relax. "Just stay there girl. We are good now." She agreed with me and went to go grab some water. Once she got a drink, she then went to lay down on her bed. Meanwhile, I proceeded to walk over to me and Erin's bags. Opening my bag, I went to go find my sweats and threw them towards my side of the bed. I was going to wear them eventually...but not yet. I mean, unless Erin wants me to wear them. However right now, I was going to go see her in the washroom. I had an idea as to what she was doing but...I wasn't completely certain.

Going to walk over to the washroom, I went to open the door and smiled as I saw Erin lifting up her shirt to try and see if there was a bump. However, it was way too early for that. Instead, she still had a flat stomach. And for now, that was fine. Walking over to her, I smiled as I went to go wrap my arms around her and put my hands on her stomach. Looking up at me in the mirror as she felt me wrap my arms around her and put my hands on her stomach, Erin just smiled because she liked it when I did this. Sure, I haven't done it since we had the kids's still something she enjoys. "Can you believe that we are pregnant again?" I smiled and nodded. "It's already real for me. Sure, you aren't showing but...that's fine for me right now." Erin agreed.

Going to turn around in my arms, Erin looked at me while I went to put my hands on her waist. Bringing her against my chest, I smiled at her before going to grab her hands. Intertwining our fingers, I stared into her eyes and then went to kiss her softly. Moving my hands to her neck, I smiled as I took it slow with her. Erin then moved her hands to my arms and just smiled as we took it slow with each other. "You want to celebrate first before we go ahead and have supper?" I nodded and smirked, loving the idea. "This is just the first time we celebrate. I expect more later." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Going to grab her shirt, I smirked as I went to go take it off. That's when I saw the sexy lingerie that she was wearing for me. "Oh baby."

Erin smirked when I said that because she knew that I liked that I saw. Going to grab her pants next, I tugged her close to me and just went to kiss her. "You are mine now and you are not going anywhere. I am taking you to bed now." Erin smirked and agreed with me when I said that. "What if that is exactly what I want?" I smiled and agreed with her when she said that. Undoing her pants, I then proceeded to undo them and help her take them off. Picking her (and her pants) up, I then proceeded to carry them both out to the bedroom. Putting her hands on the top of my chest, Erin smirked as I took it slow with her. "God, you are so sexy." Erin smiled when I said that. "So are you Jay, so are you." I nodded and smiled when she said, walking out to bed.

Tugging on my shirt on our way to bed, Erin smirked as I went to take off my shirt for her. Throwing it away, I smiled because I knew that this is exactly what Erin wanted from me right now. Moving to sit on the end of our bed, I brought Erin close to me and smiled as I put my hands on her lower back. Meanwhile, Erin put her hands on my chest and looked down into my eyes. "I am so happy that we are pregnant again." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Me too babe. It is everything that we have every wanted and more." Erin smiled, nodding as she admired my muscular chest. While I knew that she loved me for more than just my body...I also knew very well that my body turned her on a lot, especially when she was pregnant.

I also knew very well that my body turned her on a lot, especially when she was pregnant

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