Chapter 38

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Matt's POV: After putting my boxers back on, I sighed as I just went to lay down on my back. I was not going to make love to Gabby when she needed to talk to me. I could sense that she was worried and I was not just going to let her think I am not here if she needs to talk. I am her husband and the kids' father first before I am a Battalion Chief. I need her to know that since this job is going to be something I do for the rest of my life. Looking at Gabby when she had her underwear on, I went to put my hand out and motioned for her to come join me on my chest. I always wanted her to lay down on my chest when she was scared or nervous because that is where I could hold her the best. It was exactly what she needed right now. I could just tell.

Coming to climb into bed with me, Gabby laid down on my chest...right where I wanted her to lay down so that I could hold her in my arms like she needed right now. Going to kiss her forehead when she was laying down on my chest, I then proceeded to rub her back and just sighed because I knew that Gabby probably had a lot on her mind right now. "You said that you wanted to talk about that day when you learned I was hurt...when you thought you were going to lose me back in March?" Gabby sighed when I asked her that. "If you don't want to talk about it..." I shook my head. "Hey, If you need to talk about it...then I want to talk about it okay? Gabby, I want to be here to support you. And to do that, I need to know what's going on in your head."

Gabby agreed with me when I said that and just took a breath while going to grab my hand. Intertwining our fingers, Gabby sighed as she went to talk to me. "I guess the biggest worry I had I going to get to tell you that we are going to have a kid. At the time, I had no idea it was multiple kids...all I wanted to know was whether you would die not knowing." I nodded and agreed with Gabby, when she said that. Wrapping my arm around her back, I just held her tight against my chest to try and make her feel safe. Gabby then put her hand on my chest while I put my hand on her arm. Stroking it with my thumb, I tried to give her all the comfort I cool right now because of how worried she was. She needed me to comfort her right now and let her talk.

"I was just worried that I would never get to be your wife again as the worst case scenario. Or that you wouldn't remember me. I don't know. Heck, I barely remember what I was wearing that day...let alone how I was feeling. Matt, I was worried, scared and stressed for multiple reasons..." Gabby took a breath and went to talk to me about them. "I was scared to come home because of how bad my relationship was with the house...then, I was coming home to you...not knowing your status. It wasn't until we landed that I found out you were going to be okay. After that, I was worried about what you were going to say about us having a baby. You were so against it just months earlier.....and I was scared that you would tell me to have an abortion or leave me..."

I went to stop her right away when she said that. Going to grab her neck, I turned her head and then looked into her eyes. "Hey, you listen to me. There will never me a world where I do not want to raise our children together okay? The minute you told me...I was so happy Gabby. I was over the moon that we were having a baby together. All my doubts went away. I know I yelled at you and was scared but...the truth was that I was over the moon. I felt like it was meant to be and that it was sweet justice that we were going to have a baby. You know I have always wanted a family with you." Gabby just smiled and agreed with me when I said that before cuddling up to me and going to stroke the side of my chest. "I am sorry I almost left you out of the process."

I agreed with Gabby when she said that before going to scratch her back. "I get it though Gabby. You thought that I would be against this." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "I am just glad that I was there for you during the hardest parts of the pregnancy." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that before going to kiss my chest softly. "Me too Matt. I wanted you there. To have the man I love by my side when I was giving birth that way...that is exactly what I wanted." I agreed with her when she said that. "I am just sorry that your one and only delivery was not the best." Gabby shook her head when I said that. "It was great Matt because you were there, and we actually got to meet our kids this time around." I smiled and agreed.

Scratching her back, I just smiled at Gabby. "And it's all thanks to you Gabby. Had you not done what you did...we wouldn't have this life that you have blessed us with. We wouldn't have the kids, we probably wouldn't be married right now...and you would not have let me experience all the new experiences that I have recently." Gabby smiled when I said that. "Care to explain what those might be?" I smiled when she asked me that and just felt Gabby cuddle up to me more. Wrapping her arms around me, Gabby made sure to hold onto me tight...securely pressing her breasts against my chest. "Gabby, I know we had Louie...I get that. But the way I feel about our biological children is unbelievable. Gabby, I thought I loved you but...this love I have for them..."

Gabby agreed with me when I said that. Wrapping my arm around her back nice and tight, I looked down at Gabby and just smiled at her before going to kiss her softly. "Gabby, I am not sure if I have told you this but...I am so grateful for what you did for us." Gabby looked into my eyes when I said that. "Gabby, I am sure I did tell you this but...I am going to say it again. What you did for us was not selfish. It was love because you wanted to risk your life to give us the baby we always wanted. Gabby, I can't be mad at you for doing that." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that before bending down and going to kiss my chest. Moving to kiss her head, I smiled because I loved it when she did that. "I love you Matt." I smiled when Gabby said that. 

"I love you too Gabby." Gabby then slipped up my chest, going to kiss me softly when we were disturbed by the kids. Turning her head, she just turned to look at them all. "God, I love our kids but...they are really pissing me off right now." I just laughed and smiled as I went to get Gabby off my chest so that I could get up and get them for her. "You want me to help you feel them?" Gabby nodded. "Matt, I can't feed them all by myself." I agreed with her when she said that before going to walk over to the fridge. Going to get us some bottles, I smiled and then went to go give them to her. "You want to just transition them all to bottle feeding?" Gabby then bit her lip. "Just get the bottles and we can talk about something." I nodded and agreed with her.

Doing as I was told, I smiled as me and Gabby prepared to talk once all the kids were in bed with us and we were feeding them.

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