Chapter 105

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Meanwhile, with Jay & Erin on their date:
Jay's POV: As I stand in the gun range with Erin, I smirked because we were right next to each other. This was always a favorite activity of ours because we loved to try and beat each other in shooting. Honestly, it was a turn on because it always ended up in me getting at the end of the day, I always win. Going to put my protective gear on, I went to grab my gun and smiled at Erin. "How many shots again?" Erin smiled. "Best of 5 because we have a family of 5." I smiled and nodded. "Makes sense." We then both went to adjust our targets since it was a game.

Going to check my gun, I smiled because I really wanted to win. Sure, a gentleman might let his wife win but...that is not our relationship. Me and Erin are competitive with each other and it's part of our spark. It's fun and sexy. Going to get set up, I smiled at Erin. "Okay, you go first and we rotate." Erin nodded and agreed with me as she proceeded to take the first shot. I then went to continue with my short which was pretty close. I always liked to flirt with her by hitting similar to where she shot and then (try) to hit the bulls eye. And it turns out that Erin was doing it too.

Going to shoot again, I smiled because I was very close. And while it wasn't my intention to hit the bullseye, I ended up doing just that. And (as expected), Erin got mad. "Oh c'mon!" I nodded and smiled at Erin. "Hey, you have to remember that your husband is a military vet." Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "I know that. Still, I mean you can let me have a better chance to beat you." I laughed when she said that. "Yeah, because you would do the same for me?" Erin shook her head and smiled at me. "Of course not." I smiled and agreed with her.

"Then don't complain that I am good at shooting, this is what I was trained to do before I even met you babe." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Yes, and those bit strong muscles of yours definitely do help you aim correctly." I laughed and smiled when she said that. "Calm down babe, last time I checked...the sex wasn't until later." Erin smiled and agreed with me when I said that before going to walk over to me. She then wrapped her arms around my waist and smiled as she went to kiss me softly. Taking it slow with her, I smiled. "Not here."

Erin looked at me. "Who are you? Last time I checked, you liked kissing me anywhere and everywhere..." I nodded when she said that before going to put my hand on her neck, kissing her softly as we held each other close in the gun range. Breaking the kiss, I just went to wrap my arms around her and smiled because this is exactly what I wanted to be doing right now. Sure, we had the kids but...time with my wife is really important at times, especially when she is your entire world. "Have I told you that us moving here has been the best move for our family?"

Erin smiled when I said that and agreed with me, going to grab my hand. "I feel the same way. You want to go for another round?" I nodded and laughed when she said that. Going to walk over to my stall, I then went to pick up my gun to go take some more shots. "Winner gets the biggest ice cream." Erin laughed when I said that. "Okay, can we both agree that there really isn't one winner? We both win because we each get what we want. I get ice cream, you get your sex." I laughed when he said that and agreed with her. "Depends on how good the kids behave."

Erin turned to look at me and sighed. "Yeah, that's the hard part of trying to expand our family." I looked at her when she said that. "I thought we agreed to put that on the back burner?" Erin bit her lip. "I don't know Jay. I want to do it...but then I also want to get it out of the way. We both know that Hank is going to want to meet all of his grandkids and know them before he dies." I nodded and agreed with her. "Erin, I thought we were going to stay here?" Erin nodded. "I know, I am just Antonio really going to stay in Chicago forever? Who takes over the unit?"

I thought about what she said. "Either Hailey or Adam." Erin nodded and agreed with me. "I vote for Hailey but..." I nodded and agreed with her. "It should be you." Erin bit her lip. "But we aren't moving back. I don't want to because I love our life here babe. Please don't think that's the case." I agreed with her. "I think you are just missing your dad more than you want to admit." Erin nodded when I said that. Walking over to her again, I smiled as I went to go grab her hand and then intertwined our fingers. "What do you say we get out of here okay? We'll talk."

Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Going to grab her gun, she then started to pack up while I looked down at Roxy who was at my feet. "You've been a good girl today, you know that right?" Bending down, I smiled as I went to rub her head. "You aren't scared of anything are you girl?" I then went to go kiss the top of her head and smiled at her. Erin looked at me when I did that. "I hope you don't expect to kiss me after doing that." I smiled when she said that. "Oh relax, I always do anyways. You love it babe." Erin smiled and agreed.

"Let's just get out of here. Also, I changed my mind about the ice cream. We are going to call Will and Natalie and tell them that we are going to go out to supper together. I am not sure the last time we ever went out to a real sit down dinner together." I smiled and agreed with her whens he said that. "What are you in the mood for?" Erin smiled when I said that. "Seafood pasta." I turned to look at her when she said that. "Did you just say seafood pasta babe?" Erin nodded. "Yeah, why?" I bit my lip because I wasn't sure if I even wanted to go down this path.

However, Erin wasn't going to just let it go. "Jay, talk to me. Why?" I sighed and then went to wrap my arm around her. "That was one of your cravings when you were pregnant with the triplets." Erin then looked at me when I said that, wrapping her arm around my back. "Jay, we just took a test and it was negative." I sighed and agreed with her when she said that. "I am sure that I am just being crazy. Maybe it's wishful thinking that you really are pregnant." Erin shook her head when I said that and sighed. "Do you want to go to the drugstore and get us a test?"

I sighed when she said that because I didn't want to get her hopes up. "Let's give it a few days okay? If something happens, then we will talk about it. Right now, let's just not think about it. We did just get a negative test after all." Erin nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Looking down at Roxy, I smiled at her. "You ready to get out of here girl?" Roxy nodded and just went to lead us out of the gun range so that we could make our way to a restaurant. Meanwhile, I took a minute to just think about what I just told Erin. It's not possible right? Her...pregnant?

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