Chapter 81

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An Hour Later - Hotel Room
Matt's POV:  After finishing up in the shower (that hotel pool had a lot of chlorine), I smiled as I walked out to see Gabby laying down in bed. She was really tired after our swim and I was glad that she was getting some rest. Yes, I would have loved to have her join me in the shower but it was best for her to get some rest right now. It was what was needed for her and our daughter. I want her to rest as much as possible. Seeing her on her iPad, I smiled at her. "What are you checking?" Gabby laughed and smiled as she motioned for me to walk over. "The menu."

I nodded when she said that before going to get in bed with her. Opening the covers, I went to get close to her. Wrapping my arm around her, I put my hand on her stomach and smiled as I held my girls close to me in bed. "Okay, so what do we have on the menu here?" Gabby smiled when I asked her that. "I was interested in trying this. Taco Salad. I don't know why but that sounds good." I laughed and smiled at her. "If that's what you and our little girl want, then that is what you are going to get." Stroking her stomach with my thumb, I smiled while holding her.

Gabby then decided to roll over and cuddle up to me. Grabbing her iPad from her, I held it up and just went to look at the options. "The fajitas might be good too." Gabby nodded when I said that. "You just want me to get an easy option don't you?" I sighed when Gabby asked me that. "I remember at the end of your last pregnancy, you didn't really enjoy trying new things." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "You're right." I sighed and agreed with her when she said that. "Gabby, you okay?" Gabby nodded and smiled at me. "Feels like a dream."

I smiled when she said that. "You talking about the baby?" Gabby big her lip. "Not just the baby, you coming to Puerto Rico with me too. I mea, that is all I ever wanted Matt." I nodded and agreed with her. Going to lean my forehead against hers, I sighed. "Gabby, you know I am so sorry that I missed the signs again right?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me as she went to grab my hand. Going to look at the iPad. "I am just going to order to Fajitas for us over the online service okay?" I nodded and agreed with her, going to do that for her.

Once I ordered the fajitas for us, I went to set her iPad down on the bed before going to put my hand on her hip. Just holding her close to me, I stared into Gabby's eyes before proceeding to rub her cheek and just holding her close to me. "Gabby, talk to me." Gabby sighed and just agreed with me. "Matt, I don't want to keep looking back when we make good decisions...I don't want to look back at what led us to have to make these decisions." I nodded and agreed with her. "I just want to look forward because that's all that matters at the end of the day."

Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. Moving her hand to my chest, Gabby right up against me while I put my hand on her arm. Stroking it with my thumb, I smiled as I bent down and then started to kiss her slowly. Feeling her play with my shirt, I stopped her. "No Gabby, not like that. I am sorry babe but...we need to practice not having sex as much anymore. Gabby, you're pregnant with our 5th child remember?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "First one to break the chastity vow owes the other a nice massage?" I smirked.

"Oh, that just sounds want to give me the massage now?" Gabby laughed when I said that and just smiled at me before getting close to me and moving to kiss my neck softly. Sucking on it, she went to whisper in my ear. "Fat chance Matt. I am going to win this." I turned my head and smiled as I went to lean down so that I could kiss her. Taking it slow with her, I smiled at her. "May I remind you that I went almost 4 months without sex after we got back together." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Fair point."

I smirked at her. "I actually got into porn to tell you the truth." Gabby stared at me when I said that. "You what!" I nodded and just laughed a bit. "Yeah." Gabby just stared at me. "Girl and a guy?" I shook my head. "Two girls. I was scared watching a girl and a guy might make me too much that I would either a) cheat on you or b) fly to Puerto Rico." Gabby looked at me when I said that. "And you coming to Puerto Rico would've been so bad?" I shook my head. "No, it would've been great. I would've been there for the pregnancy and been your husband ASAP."

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