Chapter 39

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Matt's POV: Once I got all the kids for me and Gabby, I smiled as I decided to also grab a shirt from my closet before feeding one of the kids. She already asked me to get her one since she didn't want to wear a bra anymore so, I decided to do the same while changing my boxers. I knew that they were dirty since we just had sex...and I was now just going to rest in these. I bet she's thinking the same thing as's time to relax now with the sex. We have the kids now. Walking out, I smiled as I looked at Gabby as she sat in bed with all of the kids and fed Noah.

Going to grab some bottles from the fridge, I saw that we needed to make more. Now for that conversation. Are we going to be making bottles with formula, or is Gabby going to pump? No time like the present to bring up the question. "You feeding with a bottle or just me?" Gabby looked at me when I asked her that and seemed a bit confused. "Sorry, what?" I looked at her when she said that and got a bit concerned. "You okay Gabby?" Gabby just sighed as I looked at her. "Come sit down with me okay?" I agreed and then came to join her in bed.

I was starting to get concerned but, I knew this was not the time to be stressing her out as she fed Noah. Going to grab Hannah, I smiled as I went to go give her a bottle. Feeling her grab the bottle, I smiled because this was exactly how I had always pictured our life with kids. Us feeding them in the comfort of our bed. "Oh Hannah likes to hold her bottle at the same time as daddy doesn't she?" Gabby smiled when I said that before rolling over to look at me. "So listen, what I want to talk has to do with what we just did." I sighed when she said that.

"Matt, can you just let me talk?" I agreed with her. "Of course babe." Gabby then took a breath. "Listen, I want you to know this isn't because I don't want it...I just feel like it's time we grow up a bit. Matt, we have 4 kids now. We can't just live our life having sex, feeding the kids and eating as much as we would both want to." I laughed when she said that and just smiled at her because I knew it was true. "I know what you mean. And I agree Gabby. While I do love spending all this intimate time in bed with you, it isn't healthy when we also have kids to take care of."

Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "Then what do you say we go out after we feed the kids? I know we said that we were going to stay in bed but...I kinda want to try out that new stroller we got." I smiled when she said that. "You mean the two strollers? That is going to be weird having to push around 2 strollers all the time." Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. "Are we agreed that we are going on a walk after we feed the kids though?" I smiled and nodded before going to kiss her softly. "Sounds great. It'll be niece to get out."

Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that, obviously ready to go out with the kids. "Where do you want to go just curious?" I bit my lip when she asked me that because I honestly wasn't that sure. "Maybe we can just explore the neighborhood. That isn't something that we have really done yet. We need to find where the park is and stuff still. I want to know that ahead of time." Gabby nodded and just laughed. "You mean for when the boys are toddlers and I kick you out of the house so that you can get them to waste some of their built up energy?"

I laughed and agreed with her. "Definitely." I nodded and smiled when Gabby said that, continuing to feed the kids that afternoon before we left to go take a nice walk as a family. "Heck, maybe we can go to Firehouse 51. I am not sure if we have even brought the kids there yet." Gabby bit her lip and just smiled at me. "Well, we did when you proposed. But I am not sure if we just hung out there for a while. But it also depends whose shift it is?" I bit my lip and then realized that it wasn't our shift. "Today is 1st Shift. Our shift would've been tomorrow."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "That why you are doing the video calls tomorrow?" I nodded and agreed with her, smiling. "Yes, because most of the Captains are on shift tomorrow." Gabby just smiled when I said that, going to grab my hand before going to kiss me softly. "Make sure that I am on the call when you speak to firehouse 51." I smiled when she asked me that. "I am only talking to Severide and having a meeting with Boden." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that, going back to concentrating Noah as we fed him and Hannah that afternoon.


NOTE TO READERS: I just wanted to thank you all once again for reading my stories. However, I also wanted to remind you that I am always taking ideas for storylines that I can follow. Some ideas that I would really like my readers to send me are ideas for fires for when Matt is Battalion Chief. That would be very helpful. I want to make this a long story and I know that you guys want that too. Whatever you guys want to see in this story and see my twist on it, just send me either a message or a comment and we'll see what happens.

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