Chapter 89

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After Having Supper
Matt's POV: 
Once me and Gabby finished having supper in bed, I smiled at her when I came back upstairs from putting the dishes in the dishwasher. While Gabby was still grieving, I was just glad that she ate her entire supper. I actually wasn't sure if that was even going to happen. However, she ate it all and that was great. And now, a little treat for her. I made her some tea that I hoped would help calm her down. She needed to relax and just concentrate on herself for a little bit. Yes, we are parents to 4 amazing kids...but right now, we need to concentrate on each other.

Walking into our room, I saw Gabby sitting in bed with her hand on her stomach. The doctors told us that it was going to take a while for us to not want to put our hands there since we are just wired to do that. But I am not going to stop her. I am just going to hold her close to me and make her feel better. That's when Gabby heard me come into our room. "Hey." I smiled when she said that. "Gabby, you grieve however you want okay? If you want to put your hands there, then you do just that okay?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me. "It's still hard. It feels weird."

I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. Walking over to our bed, I went to give her tea to her before moving to sit down in bed with her. "Thanks." I agreed with her and then went to go wrap my arm around her. "I mean it when I say this okay? Whatever you need, you got it okay?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I said that. Feeling her get close to me, I smiled because this was what I wanted to do right now. I want to just hold her in my arms and make her feel better. Gabby is always so strong but...I want her to break down. I want her to be mad.

Grabbing her drink from me, Gabby went to take a sip and just held me close. "Listen, we don't have to talk okay? Right now, I just want you to rest and do whatever you need to cope with this. I know you can't get past this but..." Gabby then went to interrupt me. "We're done." I looked at her when she said that. "What do you mean babe?" Gabby sighed as she looked at me. "Matt, promise me we are done having kids." I looked at her when she said that and just nodded. "Of course babe. Of course. Whatever you need. I am not going to force you to try again."

Moving my arm around her waist, I went to put my hand on her leg while taking a sip of my hot chocolate. Yes, I should have offered some to Gabby but I thought the tea was better for her. It calms her down and that is what she needs. However, what she doesn't need is for me to touch her right now. Going to grab my hand, Gabby moved it away from her leg and then turned to look at me. "Sorry Matt, I am just not..." I shook my head when she started to talk to me about that. "We aren't doing that. Don't worry." Gabby agreed with me when I said that.

"I am going to want to lay down on your chest after. I need to have your arms around me." I nodded and agreed with her when she said that. "Then that is exactly what you are going to have Gabby. Gabby, please tell me what you need and I am going to try my best to give it to you okay?" Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. Leaning over to kiss me, she just smiled because she knew that I was here by her side and here to help her. It was exactly what Gabby needed right now, and I was glad that I was able to provide her exactly what she needs.

Continued to drink our hot chocolates, I just smiled at Gabby as we both tried to get past this in our own ways. However, I just knew that Gabby was going to take more time since it was hard.

20 minutes Later
Gabby's POV: 
Once me and Matt finished our hot chocolates, I smiled as he came back to bed after rinsing the cups in the washroom. We didn't want to leave the hot chocolate in there overnight. However, I also knew that he brushed his teeth while he was in there. Having done it while he brought the plates we ate McDonald's off of downstairs, I just waited for Matt to come join me in bed. Moving over, I watched Matt make his way over to bed. "You want to lay down on my chest or next to me?" I bit my lip when he asked me that. "Facing each other, I want to talk."

Matt nodded and agreed with me as he came to get in bed with me. Moving under the covers, He got close to me and just brought me close to him. Putting my hand on his chest, I slipped my legs in between his and just held him close to me by putting my hand on his chest. Putting his hand on my arm, Matt went to stroke it with his thumb as we held each other close. He must've been able to tell that I was scared and just wanted him to hold me right now because we were quiet for quite a while before we dared try to talk to each other. And I was the one who did that.

"Matt, I want to just say sorry that this didn't work out." Matt shook his head when I said that. "Hey, this isn't your fault Gabby. Please, don't be sorry babe." I nodded and agreed with him. "I know that in my heart but my head..." Matt agreed with me when I said that. "Gabby, you need to remember that I am here for you and that you have nothing to be worried about. Babe, I love you and I love the kids. I am a happy man." I smiled and agreed with him when he said that. "Good, because I am going to take the pill from now on until I hit menopause." Matt agreed.

"And I am going to get clipped. Gabby, I love the 4 kids we have...we don't need any more." I smiled and agreed with him before leaning in and going to kiss him softly. "To tell you the truth, I have been worried most of this pregnancy. I was scared as to how exactly we were going to do this." Matt laughed and agreed with me when I said that before smiling at me. "Yeah, that was scary. I was almost worried that I was going to have to go to work because we were going to get evicted." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that. "Yeah, two mortgages is hard."

Matt bit his lip when I said that. "Yeah, about that....we just got the first offer on the place." I was shocked when h said that. "People haven't really toured it yet." Matt nodded. "It was a couple who toured it when it was on the market when we bought it. They are coming in at $1.79M." I bit my lip when he said that. "What do we have it on the market for?" Matt smiled. "$1.8M" I nodded when he said that. "Then we should accept it." Matt smiled. "Want to do Christmas here in Chicago or in Puerto Rico?" I bit my lip when he asked me that. "Depends on the neighbors."

Matt nodded and then went to roll over to grab my phone. "We can ask them what they are thinking as a timeline for them being ready to move? If they are ready to go, then there is no need to wait." I nodded and agreed with him when he said that, ready to move to Puerto Rico.

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